Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — HAWAIIAN POLICY. [ARTICLE]


That of Cleveland Indorsed by a Prominent Republican j Paper, | ■

j (From the Sacraiaent to Bee). Said President Dole in liis recent letter to Clevelaad: “We do not recognize the right of the President of the United States , to intetere in our domestic affairs.‘' On the face of it, this sonnds i lihe a manlv rebnke. But go back into the historv of tbe I matter, and it really is a gigantic exhibition of nerve. The readers will recollect that this Provisioal Goverument, with Dole at its head, was proppetl up with t nited States bayonets; that withont that aid it won!d probably never have sprung into existence. It was than thatDo)e ; aQ d his fell<)w Hessian (K)Iiticians I w ere very anxions that the United ' States marines should interfere, to knoek the Queen from her tbrone and to prop up the Pro- : visiouaI Government They had oo compunctions then agai st the United Statss interfering with the rightful ruler of the Hawaiian Islands. They asked and comied sach shameful interference. Now, aowever, this bastard opera bonfie of a government—controlled by Amenean speculators and maoage 1 by poliioal re£ugeea— haa the brasen

• «udacity to «tb , nr>t 4o ad'ninister H 7 ■’ . f.-. f» je '>. l e ,.t ' 1 • Uait«l , whi h - IvreJ | • t»< be rīght in llie ai «Uer. aud bas | fao2tsstly endearored to correct « vrrong. The most contemptible ■ part of the bosīness is the \ spect«cle of Amerean citizens ; and American newsp»pers glory1 ing in the perpetnation of this ; wrong perpetrat 1 under tbe Hirns»jn admĪDi-tratiou. stand- | ing up for the shamefal wr»jng : done to the friendly Qaeen of a , fncndly nat;on. and t«king sides | : ag«inst the President f oar owa ; countn-. No paper in California has denonnced President Clevel«nd ; more severelv th?.a has the for bis policy and aets eoneem5ng onr internal alfairs. But he is right in tbis matter, and he is the Pxesident oftheentire United States, and not alone of the Democratic p«rty. If the Ik* i were the only Republican paper ‘ pnblished that wonU siy so, it i would still stand np.vnd corarnend C1evol«nd for Lis course in tbe Hawaiian niatter. It holds its Republicanism.