Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


- New York, Feb. 8.—The j Worh\ s Rio Janeiro corresponi dent cables the following: Prej sident Peixoto issued today a , decree ordering elections for President, Vice-President aml members of Congress to be heU Thursday, March 1. The Constitutional, or Government, party has issned a manifesto nominating Prudente Moraes of Sao Panlo for President and Mannel Victorino Pereiva of Bahia for Vice- ; President. This mauifesto is | sigoed by Tomaz Delphino and , twentv Senators. Botb candidates named are civilians. The declared cau.se of the revolution was that Peixoto iutemled to be a camlidate for tbe Pre sidency at the next electio;i in violaton of the constitution, whieh. it was claimed, makes him ineligible to auother term because i he has filled the office, and that I he had planneel to maintain a military despot'sm. Tbat canse has now beeu removed. Rio J aneiro. Feb. 8.—Presij dent Peixoto received todav in ! grand state United States Minister Thompson, George B. Audersou, secietar\ r of the United States Legation Lerc, Admiral ; Beuhara, in command of the American squadron in Rio, and , the Admiral's statf of officers. The sent u compai.v of Black Lancers to escort the American officials from the Con sulate of tbe Presidential raansion. This was au nnprecedented I act of conrtesy and eomplimeni. ' At the reception President Peixoto warmly commended the United States Government for having preserved an attitnde of strict neutrality during the war in Brazil. London, Feb. 8.—A Jispatch to the Tim«* from Calcntta says: The condition of tbe monev market is rapidly approaching a starte of panie. Government securities have fallen below p ir, and several failnres in tbe bazir ara immiuent.

• i Santi«go, Feb. 8—A nutnber 1 I of Bahn.tcetlisU !iave been arrest ed. It is said, the Government I is in possession of informatiou of ■; a plot against the State. A state ij of siege is proclaimed and fur i ther arrests are expected. Nesr Tork, Feb. 8. —Anarchists are after C'iauncey M. Depew, the Vanderbi!ts and Mrs. Ooleman ! Dravton. Mr. Depew’s bot!er this morning fonnd a placard w;th the | following warning, wr:tten io ! Latin, on the door: “Brothers, ! retnember the glorioos ei iinpleof Vaillant. Death to the rich m in. This is a marke 1 man. Warn all. By the will of the eommon peo* ple." Uader this was a picture , of a bomb. Detroit. Feb. 8.—Sampson, the strong man. annonnces tbat he bas decided to cballenge Corbett for a fight. Sampson strikes a 3000-pound blow. He says he is wiiling Corbett shonld strike him, bat he woold snrely brcak Corbett’s ann or otherwise disable him at the time. He states he vill go into training to perfect bimself aleo in tbe art of spar* ring.

Whe-l ng (W. VaA. Feb. 8 —A I fct;siue«s- ike Hi*-''emont i* t ■ 1 I alia; * 1 l > .--‘v ur«d lbe J «vk son £ght for lhis city. The crimin <1 !.-»wyers bave beeo re quested to give an opinion on the : lega!ity ol gluve contests ia West Virginia. lf the ra«;ter is pone i mto it will be by well known basiness men. Bneocs Ayres. Feb. 8.—The dispaLbo> from Rio give tbe f-.»l lowinp ePieiil adviees: The du!y cmnonading is still kept np, bat ’ witb le«s vigor than formerly ; The war ship Aquidaban and an- | other insurgent vessel have left the harbor, it is supjx>sed with j the intent to intorcept Peixotc> s’ new sqaadron and challenge it to sarrender on the out<ido. where ! it could have no support fn>m the : Government forts. Paris, Feb. 8. —A dispatch from ihe Governor of Seaeg il | ‘ savs a Freneh tiying oolomn was j sarprised by the T«ureges near Timbnetoo. It is stated that several French offioers are iuiss ing. Cnofficial advices say ihe, eugagement was severe and the French loss considerable. Cadillac (Mieh.). Feb. 8. —Parsou Davies was here today en- ; deavoring to iuterest loeal sporls ' and capitalists in tbe Corbett Jacksou fight. He wants it hekl; in au amjibitlieater built on Big! Clam lake, outs:de the jnrisdict-, ion of the St <te, countv and tho ! city authorities. It is proposed to <>ffer 140,000 for the fight. Fresno, Feb. 8.—With luek j that seerns almo*t miraculons i Chris Evans has ag iin escaped. after being snrrounded anddelib- ! erately fired upon at short range by officers snpposed to be as goOd shots as any in the State. It was i probably as narrow an escape as ; the notorious b,mdit ever had, ( except when he made his escajje from Hlon* 1 corral. Albany, Feb. 8.—A bill for an I nexation of Brooklvu and neigh boring towns to tho citv of New York has passed the Assemblv — 106to 71. C ilcutt.i, Feb. 8.—The Bauk ! of B >ngal l>as raised the rate of | discount from 8 to 9 per cent. ; aud the Bank of Bombay from 7 to j j 8, both on account of silver crisis. J«ondon, Feb. 8 —Lami ami I | Woter says it believes that Mrs. j Maybrick will soon beqnietly lib- ! eruted if friendsof the imprisoued woinan cease their “ill-advised agitation.” New York, Feb. 8. —The Gode\' ; Pnblishing Company, publishers> of Godey’s Magazine and other works, bas failed. Bome, Feb. 8. — Ballantyue, the novelist, is dead. New Y*ork, Feb. 9.—The heroic effort on the part of yonng Dr i | Franklin M. Kemp. of Long Is \ land ColIege Hospital, Brooklyn, ! in submitting to the transfusion i . ° |of his blood to try to save the life of Kate Pomphrey, did not j>rove snccessfnl in accomplisbing that object W'asbington, Feb 7 —It is nnderstood the drafts of the tariti' bill as reviewed by the snb eommittee of Democratic members of tbe Senate Einanee Comrait tee is being printed. Among the cbanges said to bave been made are: Oae cent per po'ind on all kiuds of sugar, 2 cents on e tfee, 30 cents per ton on eoal. and a duty on iron ore.