Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 21 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Wind S . we«tber «ann and pleas«nt. Tbe Board of He*ltb is nieeting tbis afternoon. Tbe Marsbal has ugain returned to tbe city. froni Hawaii. It w«s extren#ely culd last uigbt. Iu ra«ny pl«oes tbis morning tbeie was iee on the sidewulks. Mr. E. R. Hendry the raauHger of tbe Hawaiian Hanlw«re Co., bas returned from a business visit U> tbe island of Maui. No one ean tell how a jury will act. Tbe UWl suit agaiust the Portugaeso paper was a couundruiufor a foreign jury so tbey disftgreed 6 to 6, and were discbarged. Tbere are only 6 more libel saits on tbe calendar.

In-eomine inter-isi«nd rteamer?» report tbat r»ins have bcen rery copioos on Mani and Hiwaii. The barks Naotilns and Kobert Searle are now at the Interī>land wharf loading sngar. i A fl«g will, verr probably, be borrowe«l by the secret Leagje ! to morrow. j I The ship B P. Cjeney is at the Pacific Mail wbarf “exten sion" today, dischargiug. Casseras, tba desperado smnggler. was reported to be dead this morning. It is regrettable that the report is not correct. A circus is exptcted to take plaee this evening in the rooms j of the Charober of Comroerce. . S(ur performers. It is expected that the steamer Anstralia, frora S-»n Francisco,' will be laden with returning Hnwaiian.s froro the Mid*winter Fair. The ship C. F. Sargent bas finished taking in ballast and has hanled over, to the Kinan wharf. She will probably sail Friday for Puget Sound. The Ameiiean bark Alexander MeNeil, Captain Jorgansen, sail- | ed from San Francisco forSeattle Feb lst. ’Tiser j>lease notice. { The German ship Terspichore i listed to sail from Newcastle N. S. W. for Honolulu arrived in San Fran Feb. 7th, in an 87 days . passage. Don't forget the rainstrel i»er forra!ince at the Opera House on tomorrow evening bv the Philapelphia Minstrel Troupe. — Juliao A. Palmer Jr., the energetic correspondeut of the Boston Tran*crif>t has returned to tbis city ngaiu from an extended interview with Madame Pele. A list of radical svmpathisers | of the P. G. is being compiled, and, it reported, will be sliortly published. The list is expected ; to prove very useful for future roference. i ' ' ; James Kanhane the brave, i r?soluie, native poliee detective, \ is dead Hc died at the Queen’s ■ hosp.tal this inorning from weakncss induced bv the lossof blood. > ■ m < ValeJim! To monow is the anniversarv of the birth of him who was “first in war, first in pe iee and first in the hearts of his countrymen. - ' None of his direct descendants ever could shnre in his honors or i detract from his memory. His name was not Smitb. l ! The Holomua heartdy endorses j the Advertiser’ a project that a monetary contribution be made ; asa recognition of thefearlessand faithful discharge of their duties by tho two iiat*ve officers, the dead Kauhane aiul the nearly de d Kaouli. The funeral of the late James Kauhane will take plaee at 4 o’eloek this afterno.*n from ihe Queen s Hospital. It is bolieved that the funeral will partake of a semi-military character. , The s!iriek of the American eagle an«l the roar of the British lion will be heard tomorrow in . tbe boom of eannon honoring the raemorv of «n American who “could not lie.” His name was

not Stevens. « ————— The HoLOHl'A aeknowledgcs the reoeipt froui the «gents of tbe Canad au and Australian Steamship Co. at the bauds of Mr. E. h’. Holdsworth the loeal agent. i 1 of a large eitended and excellently lithogmphed map. of ehe C*n adiau Pucific t Eailway including the Minneaj>olis. and Sault St. Marie Kailway, tbe Duluth, Sootb Shore and Atlantic īUilway, and connections. Tbe map is about 5 feet in length and 3 feet iu width, and c!early delineates the Uoited States fro«n the Atlautic to tfae Pacifio and frocn 47 to 35 degrees North, and also j the Britisb Posaessions.