Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


[We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions or the utterances of our | correspoadent8.] Editor Holomua: FOR SALE 5 SHARES OF STOCK IX THE HAWAIIAX STAR. I wish to show how nuieh eon fijeuce some of the principal ! sbarehoIders have in the Provi sioual Government, annexatiou, anil the fnture prosperitv of this “government organ.” Six inontbs ago, I cffered the above shares for $20. I even left word with a certaiu prominent shareholder to sell thera if he conld for the above price, bnt neither he nor I could find any takers. A few nights ago, I even tackljed the edttor of the paper; 1 aske<l him about what he thought they were worth, said he; “They ought to be worth #40.'’ Said I: “You ean have ray five shares for $151" I didu’t oiub rstaud just exactly what he said, as he rapidly moved away, bnt it was to tbe effect that he was looking for proxies. not buying stocks. Xow, I can't afford to lose hard c ish any more, nor as mueh, as aovbodv else; but, to eomhine ( business with pleasare, and to fiud out who, if there is auy left. that still has anj' coufidenee in the St(tr’s future they ean have the 5 shares for $15. First eome, first served. Only dou’t speak all at onee. * Yonrs resj>ectfully, H. A. JrE\. London, Feb. 6—The Gover-1 nor of Sierra Leone telegraphs confirmation of the report of another eugagement between French and Britisb forces on the froutier of Sierra Leone. He says that several were killed on both sides and tbat tbe Frencb attacked tho British, whose force consisted entirely of nativos. Toncbing the affair the PeUl Mall G<tztUe says: “We eanunoi have these thiogs happening weekly. No tirae shonid l*e lost insett!ing tbis affair wiih France.”