Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

AT THE CLTJB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702, Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cal. Scpt. 23. 1893. Sir», Pr'n:pW, e.305. br Blre ?.»: I>Mn. Gr»er. br Bacc*wrr. Pr ir.ptrr ā.U.» Uw > :W o? Ao«, 2 28: W*U,r 22TL: W.io*. 227.; Oikxv 2.24: U<l oi the lHto» linli 40UDO. 217 «*d Tl*>r, SA ‘1 s»x M~ r< w» N*rJt, «N hind whi:e foot *nd sauJ sthpe ia f»ce. 1,690 powA; w TTT 7 % swxi prodmvr *b.1 * s»n.o Wffl sund for • no:ulwr FIFTV |3u* DOLLAKSFOR TH£St.ASOK. p*T»hic nl tia e . ? Th- t rst* M kred m IS;IJ to ?ortT-six »n4 !ortr-twv wib. feb 17-im IX H DAVIS.

INT[R-1SIAN9 PILOĪAI Capt. WILLIAM DAV) ' — FOR THE P.«t TWEI.VE YEAES in eom» In'er-l»l.iUii 6teaaiers. . uis serT ]nuyr to axy port or in tlie Huw ui.in Islai trr Be-st of rvfeiencys. inquire m of J. S. Wum orer Spreckei s lv: Wkigbt Fort Street. feb U tf. W. S. LUe AVine aiiel Spi Mercliant C-impbell Fire-pnx»f BIoc MERCHANT ST.. HONOL H. MAY. & C Tea Dealers, Coffee Roastf AND Provision Merchar 98 Fort Street, - Hon Families, PIantations aml S su}>i>lied with choicest Eumpean&A mericanCroc California Pr«xluce by Evc Stewmer. LongBraneh B AT H I N Establishment. Tbis First-class Bathing Ri has been enlargetl aml is open to the pnblic. It is best plaee ou the is)ands to e a bath aml thore is no b plaee to lay ofi. Special ae modations for Ladies. Trau pass the door every half honi on Saturdays and Sundays € fifteen minntes. e. J. SHERWOO Propriet« imwo-^o^ JUST BECEIVED from JAl Several Kiud of Cocton Crape,