Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — "Wards of the Nation?" [ARTICLE]

"Wards of the Nation?"

The l>latant conceit of the editor of ihe 6?ar has rarel_v croppe<l out to such a degree as it did !ast night, when in au editorial on the proposed new flag he eal s the Hawaiiau “now aud hereafter the wards of the nation.” How very condescending ' indeed of tbis strauger! Would it ! not be proper though for him to iell us, and “the wards'’ of what naiion he is speaking? Does he use the word natiou to describe i the polyglot lot represented by the clnbs and leagues—men witbout i home, withoot nationality, yes, evenwitbont name?AretbeHawai- | ians snddenlj* to become * ‘ wanls” | of tbe birds of passage of the ilk I represented by the professionaI fllibuster wbo now presides over tbe Star but who upon bis arrival made overtores to certain people to obtain the editorial chair of a royal st paper? Tbe Hawaiians realizo the hypocritical and eontemptible attempis of tbe P. G. eliqne to bamboozle theua and to pat ihem on their becks with one

band trhile the cther hand stealthilv goes dowa in their political poe» ets and enjpties their contents of franchise *t.d civil rights. So in spite of all of tbe protuise5 and tbe go!den porspects held ont by Mr. !>>le and hiscoterie. andallof thebai;eombeal>outpolitical liberty and eqaality the trae ĪQtention is that the Hawaiians shall be treated as a Iot of “resenred” Indians, and become as it is represented by Mr. W. G. Smith, and the other recently stranded adventarers. Tbe “nalion” here are the Uawaiians, and their well tre»teil “wards‘ have so far beea tbe foreigners who were enabled to make their money here. The pwaiiion is not yet reversed. and many a day will go by before ifc will be. There is, yct snf5cient nianhood i snfficieut coarage, and sufficient determination among tbe Uawaiij ans to nnahie thern to grasp, if necessary by force, the rigbts whieh are theirs by itiheritance aud bv birth. They will not accept so hamiliating a position as that whieh is so condescendingly otferedto them througb Mr. SaufordB. Doie’s officiaI orgm.