Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

J. KEMPNER, pashionable Tailcr SUITS asd CLOTHING MADE Tl» ORI>EB T1 Good \\iriety of Fine Cloth in >' Cleūning and Repainng \eatly D'<ne. Terms Rea5ocabIe. Give me a Trial. 107 K1NG STR£ET. Oppcsite A^' n | Honolnla fol L. H. DEE JOFBER 0F Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Furt aml 13etbel s»t,reet'. Hoīiday I Prcsents The iimlersigned beg leave to eall the attention to u large as sortmeut of tusteful aud elegant Jewelry, suitable for Christmas . Preseuts. Hawaiiaii Flair IMns in ditferent sizes. - Hawaiiau •Jeweli*v a specialty. If you want to buy au elegant aml at the same time an inex{ ensive Chnstmas Present, eall around uud inspect my stock. TH03. L1NX>SAY, Mcln*rnjr BIock. Fort St.Uon*lnln decl tf Sans Souci HŪl'EL,) WAIKIKI, HO.NOLLLU. Firsf-Class Aeeommooations for a ~l Tourists~and lsland $ Guesfs. SUPERI0R BATHIHG FāCIUT/ES. Private Cottages for FamilieS. T. A. S1MPS0N. oct9 Mana«er.