Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


I F*ir weather is prom;sed r from present appearances. Appearances seera to indicate a loeal Purtagnese political war. Hawaiian post <ge staraps snr cbarge<l and un-urcbarged wt-re auctiooed otf again today. Tbe C J und tbe Rev. S E. C.shop bad lumu tog'‘tber today. Tbere was no electrical effects. TIie C. Jt A. Co.'s steamer ] Arawa is due at this j»ort totlay, , fr»m Vancouver, B. C , witb n3vrs ( dates to February 16tb. I

M- teorol< g -t Lyous bas av..ide l any pmlictions cf late. When tbe wiud ;s in the N. E. it is pres iraed to st iy tbere. Caseir » t!ie murdoroos Ciii!ean sinuggler is improving iu bealth and strengtb and w 11 not be pr. to liial before Feb. 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Turuer and Prof. Bergor and his ocbestra will as sist at tbe c i ncort to be given for the benefit of Kawaiahao Seminary on M «rcb 3rd.

The Populai' Fhonogiaph Par- ! lorspres“ut an opportunity now to hear the deliverv of several brilliant recitations, notably the •‘Charge of the Light Biigule.” The entertainmeut at the Hiwaiian Opera Hou.se last evening by the Philadelphia AIiustrels f<>r the banefit of tho Seaman’s Home was both pleasunible aud I saccessful. Tho Oeeanie liuer Anstralia is i diio to arrive tomorrow morning from Shu Francisco with mails and passongers and nows dates to tbe 17th iust.. one day later thm expeeted by the Arav\a. Another jnry g >t hung in Judge \Vhitiug’s court ou Weduesday, in the appeal ease of W. Patter son charged with assanlt. They eould not decide “who struck Patterson” or if he struck someouo else. The busses whieh are in eom petition with eaeh other and with i the traraways seem to be doing a | g od business as is judged. from lato much-nceded, necessary, irnproveinents in providing for j j the coinfort of pnssengers. — Kaouli tlie native detective : who was with Kanhane at the j time he received his fatal injaries, uul who also w,is terribly cut by the despenulo Caseiro, is st 1 in the hospital but is reported to i be daily becoming stronger with great hopes of ultiinate recovery. D>g catohing is still going m and is regaded as a very useful 1 m m adjunct to increasing6overnment receipts. lt is supposable th t there is a record kcpt of the ainonnts collect d and that the } snms are uot placed in any sink- I ing fnnd. The funeral of the late Jaiv.es j Kiuhane. t!ie native detective 1 who died from tlie effect of wounel» iudeted by a knife in t!ie hands of a Oiilean smuggler named Caseiro. took plaoe from | the Qneen’s Hospital the «ftern<xtn of the -lst inst. Rev. H. H. s Parker conduoted the services an l the body w «.s carried to the Kawaiahao Cemet-ry. A s\|uad of piliee under Capt. Robert Parker and a detachment of Provisional tr»\ops aecoropanied the remains to their last restlng plaoe. Have you s*eu the new mirror displaye*l ia G.is Manrer’s barber shop at the Huteif Gus didn’t go to Sau Francisco only for the pnrpose of s{>orting Hawaiiau “prinees8cs” in the proseenium box of the Tivoli, but wīlh an eye «lways open for bnsi uess b? purcbase\l a raost l>eautiful uiirror wLieh reriects the—well not lies—whieh he tells his clients while he smooths tbeir <hins. Wheu Gus went, he told us that he was bringing down a loving wife, he returued and brougbt a minor in whioh he at . all times eao st*e —Gus’ love.