Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Aid For Amoricans. [ARTICLE]

Aid For Amoricans.

The regnlar annual meeting of j the American Relief Fund was hehl in the Chamber of Comtnerce i ; on the moruing of Feb. 22nd. Hon. | Ch.is. K. Bishop occnpying the chair. The Treasurer’s report showed that the societv had paid out iu the good causo dur iug the past twelve moutbs, and | was at present indebted in a srnall amount to the bank of Bishop <fc Co. There bad beeu numerous calls for assistance ; daring the year. and on!y for the following donations tbe society : woukl have been unable to raeet the calls: Froni Messrs. Hartwell | and Watorhouse, exocutora nf tlie j estate of J. H. Wood, $50: Vo luntoers P. G. g iards, $82: S. M. | Damon and M. Mclnerny, ex ecntors est .te PeterDalton, $200; i Meehanie Beuefit l’uion, Co. No. i 2, $00. In additien to tue foregoing the soc!oty was presente»l on March 10. 189;'., by Mr. Chas. K. Bishop with $1000 in Hawaiian j Governraeut 0 porcent bonds. The societv now has under its | care several deserviug persous, and it is hopod that »11 Aineiicaus will coutribute wliatever tliey may be able to spare and aid the society in its good work. The fullowing olficers were electe»i for the eusuing tei*m: Hon. Chas. R. Bishop, president; W. F. Alleu, vice president;T. F. Lausīng, secretary and treasurer; J. Kmmeluth and C. B. Ripley, relief committee; Bruce Cart wright and W. C. Parke soiicit ing subscriptions— BulUtin.