Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

iUST ARRIVED, « s s B1BY ■ CARRiAGES OF ALL STYLES V CAKPETS. ruqs. 1N TIIE LATEST PATTEBNS. li“HOUSEHOLD’’ Se\vino- Machines o Hand Sewing Machines, [ fT.vll With the Late»t ImproTetnents' , ,j3 FARLOR Organs, Ouitars /.n i Other M tsic.il Instnimcnts. \Vines, Liquors, Beer always on hand, and FOK SAĪ £) BY ED. EOFFSCHUEGER i C0. Kin;j St.. op. o. Cii.it!e Ar Cooke’« Wing Wo Tai & Co. No. 214 Nuu .nn Str... >, CO|VWISSIOpi Iniporten mo<1 Deftlers in GES' L MER< 'HA MGS Fine Manila Cigars. Cliines« an<3 JapaneseCrock’rt \vare.M ittings, Va»es of all kin.'H. Campl»<'i trood Trunka. Rattm Cli.iir» « i’me A-s.sortMent of L>rfss Siiks, D«*st Bran<ls of Chines»* m.,! lapmoao Teas of Latest imp it.tiona Iuspection of Mew iioo-la Ke8poctful’y Sn|icite.l. Mntnai T«l. 3fit». P. O i»ox iō". WO CHAN & Co. Merchaut ’T‘ailor |King street, Tboruas’ Eloek, rext door toJHolomua offii e. All Suits Guaranteed to Flt, and IM THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes *Cleaued and Kepaire*L no27