Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — He is Happy. [ARTICLE]

He is Happy.

* I' ~~ Tbe preat political fakir wbo ‘ is “salarie«.l ’ by Mr. D*uaon t > l»oss tbe so-called muaoum at tbe * Kiimehamel a Scbools was overjoyed tbis moruing by receiving j 1 a eail from tbe senior class of tbe i * Panahoa Preparatoiy School. j 1 Tbe boys went tbere with some < relactance, but raost of tbem bave < promised onr office a full-sized 1 portrait (ten-by-tbree) after they 1 are “taking otT’ by tbe poliiieal 1 professor.” We haven’t Leard i i from the girl-p«pils yet {1