Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


0 Jadge H. A. WideoiDn retarneii by the Aastra!ia this i moroing. His many friecds were e pleas«rt! to not;ce bis mnoh imI proved app-eamnee. Miss Wide , mann who went with berf«ther to Stn Fn»ncisco d:*l not return 1 Mr. C. A. Spreckels arrived by the Australia and wiil remam bere for sometime looking after ‘ his large interests on Maoi and elsewhere. Mr. an 1 Mrs. 01iver Stirm. n and children and Mrs. Leihnla ! i Keohokalole returoed from the Mid-wioter Fair. They . don’t speak in very hiph terms | al>or.t that estahlished f.ike—nor off tbose who “proraoted tlie Hawaiiio village. Mr. T. 13. Disiiop the »tlorney of Mr. C. A. Spreckels and wife retnrned to Honolulu by the Kinan fr m the Volcano. Mr. Godfrey Brown is in town again. Amoug arriva!s from Hawaii by the Kinaa are J. Magnire, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Parker and Mr. J. Low.