Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Anchor-:-Saīūon Ex ‘AUSTRALIA. Another Invoice of tho WorW Kenownee) Fredericksl)iiroLwr Beer c On drangbt and l»y tbe keg. Also. as a S|vcialty. S MALL F\ESH CAL FORS 4 ! 0YSTERS, KOH C()CMv r r A1LS L22 lm T.H.Davies&,Oo SAA HUMANL' ST . Honolulu, : : 1T. I.! . 1 GENERAL anu Commission &*■ -Hf: Mordmnts — AND — SUGAR FACTORS. AGESTS FOU Lloyils ;— l!ritisli aud Foreign Marine Iusnrauoe Companr, I.in>ited. Northern Assnrance Co, tire Iife. Pioneer Line o£ PacVeU frouj Lfverpool. Hawaiian Liue of Packets. Oanaiiai Pacific Railway Co. ™ Canaliau-Ans!ralian Stsanislii5 Oo. Liverpocl Okku e: The AU>any, Ol i HuIISt. febl6-3m \ GEE WHĪ2! Xew Sonu[s, Xew llecitations. Xew Instrumental aml Band Selections The Lutest antl Be?t received bv tbe s'eamer Monowai. are no« on ixbibit on at tbe Popular Phonograph ParIors, .Arlington Block, ĪTotel Stroet. Don’t mistake the Location. fel9 MORTGAGEF;s notice of FORECLOSUBE. IN ACCORDAXCE WH H THF PBOTI8iv.iis of a certain niortgage ma.ie bv KAUHANE NAKL INA to \VM. e. ACHĪ, dated the 5th »lay of N‘.veu.ber IS9I, reconled iu Liber 131, .373, an i <h»ly assigned to Lau Chou-, noiiee is hereby givec that the mortg gee inta»;; to for« ct.>ea tii« -ame for coaditiouu bn>keu, t» wit: non-paytaent of mterest aad princspal. Noō-* ts hkewiae giveu tbat »fter ihe expirution »f three weeks from the dato cf tkk tuitice, th«* pn>i>fTtT oouveycvl by said mort-gn-r» Will be a.lTerthw>l for «olē at pnUie *netv>»» »t the aneUou r»-ni-> of {aiue* F. M rg>.n, in Honoinln, ON WTJ)NKSDA\ the llth <luy of Min.h, 1891. at 12a-K,a, M *aid day. D»Uei Honolnlu, Ft-brnurj 13, 1S9* LAU CHONG, A»;gnee <.{ Moftg«gee. The piemi-e» cotpk s ] j conuist of—I aene s .te tu H .ts Maai, and conreyed tu aaid uk.i KaUwa, by dee>l datei the -J&;b d gnst, 1883. aad ieoorded in Lrber 102 aad 103. , P0UXD MASTER’S N0TICE. NoHoe u berebr given to all p there is at tbe Gōr,mnieni Por kiki, two strayed mawa, red b-auds are m<tucnt*ibic. Any person or penona oa »ares «n reqa«ato<l to lake the Mime on or hefote 12 o oi SATCRDAY, March 10, ls&* JAMES KI KON A, KUU». I* «, U ““"-