Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

.A.dvertisiem©nts J. KEMPNEH. pashiorabIe TaiIor GEsnaiBra scrrs icd oothixg IV ilAPE TO 0RPE3l * Owl Variety o/ Fine Cloih (n Stock. CleanĪH4j ami Rt i>oirinj \eaify Done. Īenn5 Reasoaible. Give me a TriaL 107 KING STREET. Oppcs:te ' n * Honolnlu ( 00161, I fel X-r. H. 23E3E 1 TOBBER OF Wines. Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. betwoen Fort aod Bethel streets. HoIiday Presenfs The uudersiguetl beg leuve tfi enll the atteotion to h large assortment of tasteful and eiegant Jeweliy, suitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiian l^lair l’in.in .ditferent siz« s. Hawaiian Jewelrv a specialty. If you want to boy an elegant aml at tbe 8ame tiine an inexj eusivo Cbr»stmas Present. eall ;iround «ud iuspect m\ - stock. THOS. L1NDSAY M. Block. Fort St.Hon«lalu .leel t< Sans Sduci hstel, WAiKlKi, iiOHOLLLL First-C!ass Aeeommooations for Tourisis and /s/and Guests. SuPERl0R BATHISG FaCILIT/ES. Private Cottages for Fami/leS. T; A. SIMPSO^,