Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

1\HM) MASTER’S NOTiCE. Xotioe is hereby given to all pers«ius, th.it there are at Ihe Governnient Pouud at Makiki, 2 straye*l horses. 1 mottled horse, long white spot on the forehead, bmud H iuiliscribable on thc right side ol the neok, white left hind leg, feet are shod. 1 red horse, b>ng white si>ot on the forehea>l, 3 whife Iegs brund iudiscribable ou the left hind !<■«. Any persi>n or j»-rsons o»ning these animals arerequested loeome an>l take the ame onorbefore 12o’clock noon of SATCRDAV, March 10, 1S!H. JAMES KCKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki. Feb. 26, 1SM. LAM)S AT AUCTiON. Bv virtne of an onler issne>l by the Conrt tbroagh the Chief Justice. Hon. A. F. Judd, in re«;ard to the Case of WILLĪA3I WATSOK et al. against David Watson, tliere will be sold at Public Auction, at tbe Auction of Jatnes F. Morgan. at 1*2 i o’eloek noon. on MONDAY. March l.'iOĪ. A?1 those preiuises situated at Kaneohe, K>iolanpoko, Oahu; and more pnrl ticnlarly designated as follows, to wit: Lkjt 1 3.80-100 acres IjOT 2 4 21 Lot 3 37.90 “ L<rr 4 7.35 “ All are parts of Royal P»tent 174 t*‘ Paul F. Manini. Lot 5 20 acres ! Lot 6 20 “ | Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ L<rr 9 54 50 " All are pnrts of those premises conveyed bv Kameh.uneha IV. to David Wat.sou. bv dml d»ted Dec. 29, 1862, aud rec>>nled in Liber 16, piges 127 and 128. Tit!e perfeet. Deeds at tbe expens s of the Pnrch»sers. For further partic ’ > apply to WiLi.lAM C- Achi, A >rney for tbe Commissiouer, or to »1 S. M. K AAUKAI Commisa oi.er. i Houululu, Fet. 23. 1894.