Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Still Indenpendent. [ARTICLE]

Still Indenpendent.

Tbe secret Le.»frue heM a meetO ing last night. the resalt of whieh ve learn w.s a decīded refas.il to join the new ‘'lnion Psrty. The Leagae doē8 not to be gobbled up by the capitn!ists. aml ose<l > too!s for the missi;>n.«r es who control tbe “Lnion Party” throagh their money and ere3tu?es. It is reporteJ th:»t the elitor <>f the S(ar. the onee f.»ToreJ dem >.g g e leaJer. was ignominoDs'.y boanc»d by tne Leagae l>ecaa>e he h;> heen one of the promoters of the ; “Uni nParty. OneoftheSmiths is evidently gettiughimself iust;»lled betweeu the devil an.l the deep sea.