Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IUST ARRIVED, fi B5BY ■ CARRIAGES of all styles, CARPETS. IX THE LATEST PATTEKXS. 1“H0USE H O L D ” Sevvino- Machines O Hand Sewixo Machixes, tcT-YH With the Impro?pmeuls PARLOR Organs, Oui t aiv, /.n s]Oth« M isicaJ ItwtrutncnU. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAVSOX HAXD, VXD F0H.8AI.FfBV ED. H0FFSC31AEGER & C0. King St„ o ijio. Castic * Cook< •» Wing Wo Tai &Co. N'"». 2H X'ua ;iifi C0Mi^lSS!0N |«E^CHANT5, Iiupurtcr> aad sa GL\V L MERCHA XD1SL. Fiue Manila Cigars, CLinese and JapaneseCrock n'w-i re. M a ttiugs,' \ ases of ttll kinil> ( ' un> ii<>rw«>od frnnk.s Riuti: i i ,r> .• Fme \.«ortn»ent of Dret>s V k*. ‘Vst i}r.m«ls of C'l ii-y>> ;«!,.* , j,, v feas of D«t. s: 1 sujK;it.itu>Uf*. lnspection oI <h**U Po8pectfully 8olic;i.e«i. Mutnal Tcl. !\ (). iio\ A^l. WO CHAN & Co. Merchaut Tailor lKing street. Tbomas’ BIock, ,nextJ«loor offi<e. All Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and iX TH£ LATEST STTLE. .Ci«aucU ap.i UepaireU. ao’A7