Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — AN ARTFUL DODGER. [ARTICLE]


The American is not Ant';-Gliinese. The eommn-, itv h:is onde ( aiable been nnder the impression lbat the secret org *nizition known as the Americau Leagne w tsdistinctly fuvoring all the extreme and nltra measnrcs prop:»?ed bv onr Legislators «giinst the Chinese residents of this coantrv We have seen resolutions passed bv tbe Leagne, as weli as bv the Portagaese, encoun«ging anJ <Jemandiog tlie stej>s whieh have been proposed iu the councils, osten-ible for tbe restriction of Chiue.se iramigration, but virtaally for the annihihttion, fiuancially and otiierwise, of every Chinese cit’zon who earns a living throngh his indastrv hcre. A Ch:nese mass-rneeting was called in whieh a strong protest wis entered against tbe proposed legislation and countermeetings were heM by the dif- : ferent longnes insisting in said legislation. Iinag>ne onr surprise unuer these circurastances. while

we were {K?rusing the last nnrabei of the Hav:aiio n Chine*e Xe>> s, to find the report of an alleged interview between the President of the American Leagne, Mr. T. Murray and the editor of tue Chiuese paper. Of conrse we do not vouch for the correctness of the published iaterview, but it seetus to lnve been printed in good faith. lt is stated tliat Mr. Murray called at tiie oiliee of tlie Chiuese journal, aud stated tiiat the Chinese were laboring under a mis a{»prehension, if they thought thut he or tbe Leagne harbored

anv anti Chiaese Sentiaaents in their mauly bosoms. That nothing whieh cou!J give color to sach a bolief eouM be fonnd on tbe records of the League whieh

were opened to inspaction if desired. That the so-cailed llestriction act befc.ro the couuci!sdid uot emanate frora the Le igue but was the sole work of Messrs . O. Sraith and J. Ēinmeluili. Ihai his (tlie spe iker’s) support and business were raostiy elependent on Ciiinese and he wasn‘t likely to advocate auy measure whieh wonM create for hiu the ill-will of his patronizers. This is what the Hnv:aiian Chinese A rtr* says in eftect. lt wouM now be oi interest to the white workingmen aiul iuechanics who are members of the Americad League to hear from Mr. Murray aud learn what really is the stand of the provisional gov ernment-snp{)orting, g;m-cairv ing. self styled Americans who aro supposed to fonn the secret league under his presidance. Are they pro-Ckiuese or AntiChiaese?