Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 27 February 1894 Edition 02 — A FAIR FUNERAL. [ARTICLE]


Hawaiian"s Assist at the Last Rites. With the up-tongned roar of the lions tbat slew him echoing through the aren i, a siiuple but thrillingly impressive funeral service was beld Feb. lfith over the remains of Carlo l'hieman, the aniraal-tamer, killed by the wild beasts of E >oiie s show at tho Fair groauds. It was tlie first and probab!y the aftair of the kiud that will evar take plaee on the Espositim gronnds. Every concession on the grounds was represented »nd all the eoncessional aud uther flags were fioated at half mast duriug the ceremonv, whieh was, without donbt, the iuost uniepie in the history of the citv. In the eenter of the ir <n cage, a {)ovtiou of whieh bad been removed to make way for it, stood the eolhn. 011 whieh lay tlio eap the dead man had woru. The band that plays for tLe daily performances in tho arena was ushered to seats at the back. and th ir stand above the door given to the lowa State Band, whieh had volunteerej its services for the < ccasiou. Mear these musicians were stationed the Pele Qaartet frora the Hawaiian Vill«ge, whieh fnruished the vocal selectious. The four swarthv Kanakas were clad in white }’atchiag suits, but no one seemed to noticed the abse ice uf h irraony between the customes and the occasion. Tliere were so many strange featares connected with the faneral tuat none of them ap{ieared startling. The service opene-l witb the bymn “Nearrer My God to Thee” by t!ie Hawaiian Quartet, to wliieh they fitted the w<»rds of tbeir native tougue. After Ihe rendition of t'uis sa< r <1 mnsic. Kev. M . C. C ase of the Central Methodist Episcopal Churcli loliveretl a brief oration, and then delivered a short prayer. Then tha lowa 13and, stationed oat of

sight of tho*au<lience softiy plaved “The M avsule Chapel,'’ whieh ha l a wonderfally soothing etfect oa the savage auimuls. Dnring the rendition of tbe pieee the atra<st silence prevaile<l in tbe »rena Another song by tl.e Hawaiian Qaartet followed, and then the com!>anv sto<xI ap while . Rev. Dr. Case pronoauced the i Lenediction. M hile the minister j was de’ivering his faneral oration i he was several times com|»elled ! to stop, so great was the nproar | produced by the auimals. Parnell. the huge beast that mangled Thiemaa, broke in on tbe exercises at times with a seriesof roars that shook the buildiug. Above the tnmult coq1J be heard the thnmp of the keepetfs clab as ■ ha tried to qniet the king of b<uuta.