Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 28 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

13nsines.s C p rds G. W.SiCFAELAKE&CO.. ’ Impcr 4 :£i r s and Gcmmissioii Jvlerchants, Honolula. - Hawaiian l5l »nds THOMAS LINDSAT. ! Mannfacturing Jevtlei ar,d Waicfimaker. Mclnerny BIoclc, 405 Fort St., Honolnln. HAEE\SON BEOS., ty CONTRACTORS AXD BU1LDEES. 208 Fort St., Honolnln. MEECHANT’S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHA\V, Pbopriktor, CHOICE LIQUORS and EINE BEER, Corner of King and Nnnanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 4*23. Honoluln. RR11P.F A » j P»DTWC1..-J T ( Business of a Fidnciary Xntnre Tr?nsacted. Prompt attention given to the manag»-ment of Estates, Guardianships, Tmsts, etc., etc., etc. Oniee.e , : Carlwright Buil<Jing, Merchant Street. Honolnin. “FAT BOY.” BAY 8A100N ! P. McINERNT, Froi>p.ietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and*Beer. Corser Bkthei. and Hotel Sts. PAC1F1C 8AL00N, Coruer King and N'nnann Streete. EDW. WOLTFR.... Manager. The Fiuest selecti >n of LIQUOBS and BEER. sold anywhere in the town. First-class attendence. Call and jndge for yonrself. no 80-tf. Kmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, PB,ipRirroR. Fine Wine& liqooi% Eeei 1 , ALWATS ON HANP. Comer Xuuann and HoteI Streets Hell Telephonc 381. Post Offioe Box 32. W.W. WRIGKTiSON ilMAi :<r Ix All 1ts Bbaxches. ■ Horseshoeing A SPECIALTT. 2 79 *nd 80 King St., Honolola