Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

u AT THE CLTJB STABLES. CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23. 18934 v irv Pn.wpser. 2.305. br FJrc Bu!l. T' Da». 0«cc. b» Enomnw. 1S.¥, l'nnr!vr 2«; 223j; W*. 2 27.; CT«co. 2:24AL. ’ of lbc Daa«s B»fi aoPm-, 2:17 «nd T»«w, "k «E>‘ K :* v» bUok, on* hmJ foot ±w\ sauli stnpc m f*cc. W«gh». l.O'O » rery *tvhsb. g»*. m eood pro-(lncvr «nl • 2wne r*r* Will iMlhl . anmber R IV >X> DOLIJkKS POBTHB SUVS0N. i»y»Ne « t;me i *rw. TKls Li-p» »as īred m 1832 U> fortr-six nmres a»4 pr»-ia««i fortT-iirv> eo.u. feb i;-im IX II DAV1S.

iUST ARRIVEC tj 3 9 BiBY ■ CABRIAGES 0F ALL STYLES, CAf\PETS, RUQS, M M IX THE LATEST PATTERNS. HOUSE H O L D ” Se\vino- Maehine Ha.VD SewI\G MaCUIXE8, t3T* Aū \Vith the Latest ImprtiveDieiit*i" < PARLOR Organs, Guitars An<l’Other Munieal Instruni« uts. Wines, Liquors, Beei ALWAYS ON HAND, AND FOB.SALEfBY ED. aOFFSCHLlEGEE 4 ( Kin* S».. oppo. Ca»tle * GookeV. Wing Wo īi & Co. N<>. 214 Nuii.mn Stre«-t. COM|WSSION Imjxirters aud IWm» ;n Gh\VL SIERCUASDISE Fine Manil» Cigars Cliiup>se Jnpane8eCrock’n*w ne. M.«ttu \ ases of al! km<Is ( tni * rw Tnmkn Ratt<u j A--*eortraent ol D. ,*■ A v J !>ntnr1s of Chine-..-< ■ , ’ ? j« i Teus of L.iJ ; j>- i*. t « Inspection «-f X. . Apectfnliy So!icit~ !. MntnalTt-I. ’I' () L,,v WO CHAN & Co

iNTER-ISLAND PILOĪAO Capt. wiu.iam davi * — Fl>R THE P**t TWELVE YEABS in InCi'r-IslAnd vSrT~ hu» servi> i j rr.QTTo any port or l*tuling in Uie HaWiii.iii IsLurc l fT B«n oi referen«*, in inire at of 3. S. W w ker orer Sprtek< i’s lim \Vricmt Bt'>., Fort Stm t. frb U tf. W. S. LUC W ine and Spii Merchaiit C impl*>U Fi)t-proof liloek, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLl H. MAY, & C' Tea Dealers, Coffee Roaste AND Provision Merclian 98 Fort Street, - Hone Fumilies, Plantations and S supplied with ehoicest Euwpean &American Groo California Procluce by Eve St«niner. LongBrancli BATH IN Establishment. This First-class Bathmg R< hns been enlarged anel is oi>en to the puhlie. It is best plaee on the islands to e a bath and there is no b plaee to lay oti. Special ac< raodations for Ladies. Trair the door every half ho u on Saturdays and Sundays e

CoLton Crape, Latest Style of S io diifereat qoahties. A$otent of poi*c Tea Sets & Specialiy Japanese Lantercs and Corios saitible for Chris Goods. 411 KiN:. STREET. H^aolai