Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 50, 1 March 1894 Edition 02 — Judge And General. [ARTICLE]

Judge And General.

Judge Cooj)er in his official capacity had a short sharp, “few words ’ with the “,learned” Attorney General yesterday afternoon, on the proposed trial of \\ illiam M<>ssman charged with embozzling j>ost-offico fuuds and who has had, already, two trials aud two acquittals. The “leatuod oue objected to the jurors, thus deliberately insnlting the wlK>le panel. Judge Cooj>er, himself

conscious of the unwarranted aspersion uj>on the honor of tiie gentlemen comprisiug the jury, said, ‘ Mr. 8:uith, that case v:ill be heard at 9 o eloek tomorrow morning.” Mr. 8mith intimated strong!y that he was, “the Attorney Gener ii” aud he did not thiuk that Judge Cooj>er could force hi.-ii to trial «>f any case. 1 he Judge flushed up and rej>eate1, in a niore euijihjitic inanner, that the case would be called at 9 o eloek this moruiug. Bst it was not.