Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Advert isements J. KEMPNEK. pashionable -loilop { !gENTLEMEN*S SUITS acd CLOTHING ttT MADE T\> 0RDE1» 2 Good I \irieiy of Finr Cloth iu Strn'k. Cleamng and Rt}Mtiring Xeaily Done. T«rm5 Rasonab!e. Give me a Trial. 107 KING STREET. Oppos»t« ■ U Hono’uln fel X-i. H, DEE' JOBPER OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Fort aml Bethel streets. Holiday Presents The undersignotl beg leave to eall the attention to u Iarge assortmeut of tasteful and elegant Jewelry, suitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiian Flasr Hins in difl'erent sizes. Hawaiian Jewel ry a specialty. lf yon want to bay an elegant aud at the sanie timo an iuexpensive Christmas Present. eall around and inspect my stock. THOS. L1ND8AY, Bl<*ok. Fort St.Uou«i.ilo

Sans Sanci % HSS'EL, WAIKIKI, liONULULU. » I w .'‘j£yr - First-C!ass Aeeommooai tions for n Tourists and /siand Guests. SUP£R/OR BAĪHI*C FACIL/TIēS. Private Cotiages for FamifieS. T. A.fcSIMPSON. oct9 Maoau»r.