Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 51, 2 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Come gentlemen of the Annex ution club, of the Scbeutzer club, of the Uuion party and ol tbe Cilizens’ Reserve, fall intc line over this controversy ofplacing a reprosontative of all ofyoui org.uiizdtious, if be ean be fonnd iu any one man, iuto tbe vacaut obair now saicl to exist in theAd- \ isory Oouneil. You bad no voice in tbe fonnation of tbe Councils as tbey were, aml do you soppose tb.it you will be a!lowed now to express a free opinion and yet uot be compelled to vote by maehine mle? •: 15ut. God givo you good morrow, and if ye but think so tben art t!iou all bird limed.” The pr»jpccors of the coucert to be given to n : ght at the Kuwaiahao Chureh iu aid of the i<awaiahao i'eminary bdong to the dyed-in-the wool missionary elenaenl, but thcv do not hesitate to stultify tbemsc!ven provided the act will aid in bringing dollars to tbeir oofl(TS. Both Her Majestv tbe Qoeen and the late Princess L kebke have b:eu mentioned as uncducated, uneonlh, and simply roy.d ‘*aavag«8,*’ bnt. a glance at tiie pr. gramme of tonight’s concer( wili show thal these “royal savagos" were cumposers of musical compositions of such adv.mced qua!ity thal the cocuposit:ons will be presented hef.»re an audience whieh is expected to be com(toeed of all that is hest 5n wealth, beautv intelligence and moraU in this community.