Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 52, 3 March 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

XOTICK OF FOKK('LOSl RE. In aeeonlanee with the provisions of a certiin MortRage, made by LOSE OPl’l’ELE aud B. R. NAMAKĀ. to 8AMUEL C. DW1GHT, Tru»tee, dateii lbth of Ff.bRfARY, 1892, reoor<iwi in Liber 129, pat;e 4s9, uoliee ia Lereby given that thc Mortgagee inteuds to forecluse the same for eon<iicions brokeu, to wit: non-pavment of Pnneipal and luterest when uue. NuUee is )ikewtse given that after the expiration of thr-e v»eeks from the <iate of this notice, the property conveye<i bv said Mortgage will be aUvertised for tuJe a"t Public Aūeiion, at the Anction Ihx»m of Jashs F. Moiu.an, in Honoinla. on MOSDAY, the 2t)tu day of MAliCH, IS94. at 12 noon of said day, Further particu!ars ean be had of Ww. C. Aeai, Attorney at Law. Date<l Hon.ilnlu Fch. 27. 1894 8AMUEL C. DWIOHT. Trnstee. Morxg»gee. The premises covered by the said Mortgagt. consist of : All those premises situate-i at Kamakela. H >nolaln. ls)an<l of Oahn, and mone particu)aiiy descn»>e<l in i>eed of Jau.cs F. Morgau, to said Lose Opnpele. <Ltod 16th of Febmary. 1892, an<l rwx>rd=d ie L»ber, l.K, page 18, eontaimng au areu «f 215-1000 »cre '*emg a part of those preusise5i desenlieU in Koya. Patect, No. 1985 L C A «245, to Kelaeokekui fur Kaiakini. nuir 3--3’- dly.

KAWAIAHAO CONCEF;T. i The Papils of Kawaiahao Seroinan’ will give a coucert tlieevening of Maieh 3rd. The proceeds to be nseii to parchase a piano for the scbooL Admission 50 cents. Secore tickets for the hao coucert March 3rd. for saie at £eoson .V Castie & Cooke, J. T. boose. Smith’s, Le«ers aod Hawaiian Ne«s Co. feb 23-1« KawaiaTickets Smitb s. ( Water4 Oooke WAHTED

The followiog nambers of the Holomūa: 1893 Ang. 5g] « «e 583 Ten cente i» coj>y of eaeh namber will be paid at the Holomua offioe. 4f