Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 54, 6 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I J. KEMPNER. 5ashic!iafck ToiIor GL\rajio's srns ootb»s cr M \Dl TU OU»EB Go>ni of Finr C!o<h in - l eimnin'i itnd Xeatiy Pkme. T«rms R»soDaiL«. Gir« m< i Tri»L 107 *ING STR£ET. Oppc« te ■ n ( Hono.ula fel Li. K. DEE' JOBBEK OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. lH>:irecn Fort an.l Ik'lhol !itr»'ets. HoIiday Prcsents The le*ve to eall the attcution to a inrge assortmout of Ustefal aml J««elcy, suiuble for Chrtstm** Presente. Mawaiian Flacr Pina in (i>tferent sizes. f-Jawaiian tJewelry * speciallr. If yoo w«nt to boy an elegiDt ami »t tho s«me time an mox|.en«ire Chr.Htm t »s Present. eall , *roun*i ao»i m»|.ect my aloek. TUOS HNDSAY. Bt*k. Po»t St.Uuo«iahi *Wci u Skns Sauci HDTEL ; WAIKIKI, UUN^.CLU. First~Class Aeeommooafions for Touri$ts and lsland Guests. IP£R/0R BāTH/»G PaCIUĪI£S. Cothgm for PafrilitS. , T. A. 8UIP80N. 6et9