Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


Th* Or«aa:c saiied fjr Y »iofc*m* ; l*.«t CTKItftg. Tbe Ooaeeil- wili roeet tomarrov. *s osaal The 6oan] of HeaUh will meet tbis afternooQ. Tlje wtnd «« slr.»ng from the N E. th»s moming. I Tbe new h t*. wh;ch tbe poliee now wcar. *re nofcby. Tbe harbor i- becoming well #>tb shipping. 'j Tbe rntf >rm U.tuk of My»tic L«.«lgc. Kn>gbts of PytLiah will tm*ēt thn> eventng. The b.irk Brvant arrived tn jx rt this morning from Sui Fr*ncisco. 17“>lay« pa.'.vtge. A snle of Miwa'ian postHge took plaee tbis raoruing at L> voy’8 anction rooms. Tlit-re «< re twt nty fonr passengeis return« , «l by the Kinau this tnorning from the Volcano. Tho *tei»raer Alameda is ilne here fi m S>n Franc stH) on the 15th m-t.. wilh news tlates to the 8tb. H>»n. H. H. \Vel!s ex-governor of ‘"olil V;rginny” is now e* j -ying i thc glorious elimal» <>f the P | of tbe l’ieiAe. The phouograph man is haek ag iin at the ouleiaml the Popo ar Ph« uogr«ph Parlora, Ariingtuo 1 hloek Hotel street. Crttiilors >f the Pr.ivisional !»•»v- | j »-rnment ar>* rr(piest»*.j to pr, sent vouciifrs f**r settlemenl at the i Tre;i«nrv bff>*re March 31st. it is reportftl that the Chineso have prfwtl the Oouneila to bring op tbe obnox.ons iieenae biil uml take a vote thereoa. I I’t«»Unaetfr Oat f rsnrd'tl the * f»rcign mail for ihe islamls >>f j H iwaii and Mani, (*nd whieh ! ! o»u)f on thest«anur Ooeanie). by tho amfr W. Ci. Hall ye»t**rd«y. Secretarv W. Smith of Ihe Board of E«luostion states th*t 1 the rogular vacation of the pulilie ; | schools will eomnuniee on the ■ 6th aml exlend to the of April. | The yonng half \vhite Sj\encer | who * dul up managor Cnn niugham to thc atnonnt o( £30. ou a forgetl eheek, did likew .se ; wtth *'Pap’ White the propriet r j of Ihe Pe«rl city—Waiaka *b.ts' ronte. I The K>'btrt L.>we«, C«ptain OoiHlman beat the AIieo Cm»ke in the rsoe from th s |>ort to S*n Pnneinoo, s,> sh« will lo«d tbere ai d theCooke g>*es to N, wcastle. N S. W. for eoal. < C«seiro the desj>erate srauggler who cut t»fficers Kanhaue aml K iouli. aml from the etfecU >»f «hieh officer Kanhane dud, will eome op for prelicninary exau>i \ uati«>n in thc District Cour< on ihe 13tb inst. Tbe barkentine Pl*nter. C«pt. I Dow »rrivetl m p«>rt lhis morning f fn>rn San Fr-»ncisco 10| daya pas-aee. A few more hoors of tlaylight ye«terday wou d have I en.<bied C*ptain Dow to Kave been rept>rt«nl a» ..»lf port. Tbe followiag gentlemcn bave| been eleoted as tbe nfficers of ihe lnter l«land S. S. Co. vix: W. B- | Qo-lfrey, pn-*di‘at; J*j*hn E a. vico pres»dent; W. H MeLean, S jseoret*ry; J L. MeLean. trea j ' *arer; T. W. Hobron. audttor L’apUin Dow of the PUater had a \>n aev«re hem<*rrh«ge Juring hia Ust pat>sage up to “Fruco. Tbe alUek waa no dangexwa* and the oaptata bled so mueh that «t om iioae ihe chief officer «dvt«ed « return to Houolulu. OapUm Dow eoa cittded he eou il d»e joat as well r en n»ut«- u» Ihe Cuut *nd ao kepi un