Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 55, 7 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

(teneral Adverti.<iements A VAST PROJĒCT.] eoimn liie cr schcoiees—ia»u oneimn ar ail Owirg to Ocr GoMtent>7 Incre»sing acd tbe t’fttt oi id Ap|*red»tio£ Coajtnoc ; tv, we btre oooclodcd to offV?r »□ cpj»crtar. ; tT to »11 p»rttes b»rii ? csj.uj.-OLH LIKE OK BCUOONEBS id*t be s#eo g.:d og <jve T the Pa», fi !ed to tfce.r otnu>st c»rrricg cap»c;tj, with CLEAK, OOOI- »5i* Ls VIG0RAT1NG F , e d.,l=k.ta„j U( j ER Bm Atthe “Anchor Saloon!” To »cPornmo<Ihte Oor Ve?t K'eel of Schooners, we hare boi!t » Knte, L«.r?e Hetr gen*tor, Hegardlrse of Coet, 1« tbe oaly plaeo wbere a Cool (Uass of Fredoricksburg Hror on draugbt ean l>e batl in Houolulu. Stop forward OeoUenen now i« the time. NOTICE ! Tbe L’ndors'gncd h»s Hcceived from the Ea.stern States r i'li<> I .n rLr< >st Si n<_;!<> Oixler of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Iooportcd to tho Islands. It Coacludes as FolIows: Clotb. 2 grade«: Cuos, &ssortod: Cushions. by Block, patout, Billianl Balls, cotnj>ositioD aml ivorv; l’ool B4.I1s, do., do. Tips, C!ialk, PcH.'kot Castingf», with leather aml fringe, oomplele; Pocket Nettings, fringe aml leatber; Hubber Covers, Court Plaster. green and black; New Style Chalk Holdere. Triangles, Shake Balls aml Loathor Buttles, Pool Pins, Markers. etc.. etc. The above Goods have been Purchased at Beduced Hatva and the nndere ; gued is now j<repared to do anv and all kuuN of R1LLIARD TABLE WORK »t ree.*oa»bie r»tes with di»jv»toh. Also new aud second hand i> ll:ani aad Pool Tables L>r Sale. Please Apply io J. P. BOWEN, Pem- BIock. Hotel St. Honolnln H* E. S( B$p IMPORTEHS AND DEALEHS LN Oroceries, Provisions AXD !Feed, EAST CORN*ER F0BT4 EING STS. New Ooods Roc’d By oreiy P*cket (n>a the E*»teni 8teta» and £orop«. Fī*»k C*lifomte Prodnce by every ste«BMr. AU ord«xs f»ithfully atten<Ud te. aad Good» deliver«d to »ny p*rt of th» eity FEKE OF CHARG£. I*tend Order» 8olicited 8*ltete«4kMi OeamilewL Pote Ode* Bo» Ko, lifi, Tetepb«M Ko. M.