Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — STILL HARPING. [ARTICLE]


Hopo Yet For Hawaii. Bv the late p«j>ers we find tliat th© niaii (r<>m M <iuo. .lohn L. S. is still in the !o('tnro fio!d aml. as unual, fil!td wit)i the idea of wliat « iuan nm l" n nort of chorus iu whieh it.ll O’ Smith of loeul farae may well join. StiivoBs in h:s Litest talk gave. a» h«* s.iys "tho lat«*st view of the •it!i«tioD," bot showed tbe same exlr«ordinary shyneaa as ever al»o«t attacking BIouut s roport iu detail. HIount is still a had iuiiu, nnd tiie revolutionists good men. but wherein there b,sdness nnd gooduess conn.te he is carefu) not t> weni'on. To the em>riumis wann of testimonv thal tbe raiv»ion tries. sous of mi»sionaries, nt>d teachers havesoniehow by hooa or by crook, iuaiiHg.'d to get the lsuds <>f the nntm« into theit jH>ss< ssioo l be opjH>»es his own simple deninl, aud adds thnt thc natives nro "decrea*ing nt the rate of 1 tXW n year. nud at no distaut day tbere wiil he none." He forgets to nienii >n, howevcr, thnt lheir places are l>e iug taken here hv n uiotiery crew of (.Tiincse. Japanese, nml Portuguese, whmu he nml his confcderatcs wish to introduce into tbo l'nion ns a State to l>e "voted' by sog«r nml other specalntot». lt is this consuiuroat on whieh the j>Ch»j>1«? of the l'nited Stntes ahouh) be roost interest»Hl in preventmg nml ns sh< wn bv the nctioo of the Hou»e. l'uole Sara bns enongh statos of the kiml Hnwnii wun’d be. Henven only known. Tbe l'uitad States is just reooveriug fr\>ro n great nniionnl ealnnnU— km>w:i ns the "»iUer cra*e" —lnrgely got np and mnintnined by just the kiml of Senntors aud Kepresentatives tbat Uawnii would s nd. lt does nol gnvat!y cot'cern Auienen who governs tho«e islands. ns long ns »be do«» uot, nnd no £urope»n I power is sllowed to take m>sses>»ion of thero. Neither Stevens nor »ny of hi» confeder»t«» bere enn by «ny end«Mvor get the Bntish to waut them. The Amenenn legation in Lomlon I se»rcbed the whole city in vain I when tbe Uawaunn tre*tv was hefor* tbe 8en»t«. to find anv- : body high of low who c»red «cy th)Dg at>out Hawaii. Tbe de«ire , of tUo jre\olotiomsts to get the , British government to prote«sl, | b»s, Joug furoishvd. both the Euglish Forēign Oflice »nd tbe Legation »t AVa«htngton wiih n»teriai» for unseeu!y roirth. Failing th» Briti«h. ihe now jalulant revoluūo&i*tc »ocroed (o <

r»I_r nn Jar-* o to «tir op khm J:i ci rr*tli ia tb-s t-f tiw Anvi ric«o pe-iple l>ot *f.«, too. iheen. nor īh tber? *dv(ning ]« ’’’ !•> L*U bick ou ib»t *e bve of but a ioff»ot reporUrd bjr « gent tb«t tbe «icked Wodebo.*e, the Bhtisb miatster »t Ha*>ii.bj<l «pukeD(li*re«p-ct fn!iy of Amer ca * o*Q Stetras. In f«ct. if t«ie l'aited SUU* T«oi to aoiwi Haiaii. tbere u eo pover oo earth to hoM tbt«n bnrk bot onr o*n $enw of ]u»tice •nJ expedieocr. To bod an}thioe to n »tcb tbe ibthgo«. treecbery, f»!*ebood. id>J «boM of |K>«rer whīeh otark rd tbe coodoct > f minuter bterens an 1 fax« coafedersb‘3 at tf»e Ute rrists. ooe «oakl bsre to search tbe aooal* of Br ti<b lo dia or Sj>a :»lt Amenea. To lure ailoweil aneh « perfurm»oce to *ncceed would baro j 5 r*?atly di«gr»ced tbe people. as reprv>ectetl iu tbe Uouse, and bare nnooH tbe disciplio« of lbe d>plotQatic aeniee. Ameheao mini&t< rn at nll the scuall fet»b-s of S uth A»>erica wouid h«re iH-oome ntrigoeiH and drel>r>mJs iu ioeai pol'>tics, The S*-nate bas yet to act, bot th.* Ser.ate is uot :n itself tbe Amehean j>eople.