Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 56, 8 March 1894 Edition 02 — AN ANALYSIS. [ARTICLE]


HoL.es ty of Keimhliean Papers. The coetroTersr in regard to b«« reacbed a p!>re wbere the bonest *nd tbor.§htful yriter ean di*cc.*s it »iih »ome >J*groe of uti<(actioo b«caa«e. the wise. p«triotie and Looor«kIe p»Jicr of the ndmia:«tration b«ri ing now keen (alK v!eTeio|«d. be is no lnoger cocfronted w th tbe ne<wss)tj of j«us;ng cTerv mo-1 mmt. in tbe di»ca.«sion of tbe gre«t principles whieh are involeil t« Terify tbe pr5mise opon whieh b.s .Trgt>aient is besed by cor,tr*sting tiie falseboods. io regnrd to tbe procoedmgs »nd a;ms of onr execative. witb whieh

a malicioas. anscrapuloos. ignorant anJ mon.Ucious daily press b;»s sunouuded tbe suhjecl. From tbe momenl tbat Pres»dent Cievelaud withdrew from the consūiera(ion « f the Senate the f«rccal *‘treaty ’ whieh little Benjamin Harn* -n bad negotiated with M;n ster Stevcas marionett*« g'»verament aud whieh be bccked up w.tb the nntrntbfu! statemeut tbat the overthrow cf Q;ieen Liliuokaiani’s i;overuinent was not in »nv wav pro*noted bv • • • m

the ropre8euttUiveH of o»r govern meut, down to the present t<me the conrse of tho aiiministrxtion in the (uatter h.«s ealleil forth au avalnnche of reckless journa!ist c f.ils.hoation sucb as was never heani of since the worbl beg.m. At hrst the Presiilent was aocused of haviug withdrawn the' treatv” for the purpose of euabliug his owu admiuistration to elaim all the *‘honor” of the disreputabie transactiou. Subseqnently, when the pub!ication of the Gresham Ietterand tbe Blount report indie ite«l the lines along whieh tho administratioo would travel, the newspapen kiudly laid out an entire course of procedure for it (a course whieh, by tbe way, <ruuKI lmve bruught i! iulocouflict with tbe Constitutiou) and refused to be appeased when the pubticatiou of the President’s iuessnge and tho doosiments whieh neeompnnieU it, demonstrntod that he hnd not only not done the thiugs the papers bad accused him of doiug. but hnd uever dreamed of doing them. So it hns gone ou for the past three mouths, untruths beiug piled on the top of untruth until the public mind was so bef .ddletl that it seeraed to most people as tboogh Pres dent Cleveland and the * binck woioan of savage descent,” who tbougbt that she could get justice frora the Uoited States, were eugagod in a diabol ieal eonspiracy to subvert tbe Con%titution of our conntry whilo * Presidenl" Dole, Minister Thurston and the otber autocrats of Hawaii wcre eugaged iu saving for ns the fo .ndation upon whieh our institutious of goveruraeut rest. Tbe whole of tbis mendacious carnival of grotesqoe absurdity reached a fitting climax a few days ago m the ridiculons statement that Qneen Liliuokalaiii hnd nb«ndoued her elaim to tke throne rf her pe ple and was about to mstitute a scit (*o the Snpreme Court of T.r FIat, we presame) «gainst the United States govcrnmeat for breacb of promise. assauit to mnnler and def«mation of cbaracter. — 7»*ru Talk .