Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 57, 9 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MWAJI HOLO|KU/\, ih rrBi.i»HED Kven’ Al'lemoon ExrsrT i»rsDAT bt the Holenua ?ub;ishiu£ Co. At King St iThoma« block), Honolala. H. I. p«r sc eu. TW p»;<-r U rl*!iremi bf C«rriet» in the to»n >0(1 «nhnH''. G■»>»•<. 1 >r (*•!« »t tbr N»»« IV*kn» «r. i >S ;Le <>Soe of pnblic%tion. EūUuHO NORRIE, • - Editor ABRAHAU FERSA \OEZ t - Manager NOTICE. Ai: !tq<dnraa C«uaurlc«tioiu «bonld be •ri<imuw-<l tu tSir.ii.ii; Fr 01*1 lel, HoUuInlu. II. I. f«>rrr.pouiletK» *nd Conminnicntion» lor rnbli<nU<>n .bonlil be «iilnwnlki the £<!itor llav.11 H"U'Uin*. So notioe will be pau<) U> aiiv »ii"i;vtm>u« oommuuieeUoua. Husiuess ( ’.'irds A. I\ PETEBS03i, ATTOKSET AT LAW. Offior: 113 Knalmniano Strret. Honolnln Haw.uan UlaiuU. CH VKLES CREIGHTON. ATTOttNEY AT LAW. 0®w: 113 Kaahnmann Strt>rt, Honulnln Hamuui Ia!«nd«. PAl’L NEUMANM. ATTt»RNKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Streot. Honoluln, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENC£ W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND OOCN8ELLOtt AT LAW. Offloe. (Mi! t'apctol ttnilluig. (Honolnln Hah'!. a>l/»iuinj; l’«jvt HhmUi, vOHN LOTA K.UTXKOr. ATTl'RNEV AT IJIW. Offioe. corner King A IU>thol Sta. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Ht*al Estate and (loneml Auctioneer. Omm Fort »nd 0«rea Strer;». Honelnhi 1 Pi'nional attenti *n gtren to Saies ot Furnitare, Re»l Est«te. Stock and Oenemi Mervhamlise. T<4epfcMw 2» A. BOSA. Am>KXET AT LAW. Na. 16 Kaahumanu St. Honoialo, Hawaiian isianda. <

W. S. LUCE "Win© and Spirit JMerc}iant C*mpbtU Firt-proof BU*i, MEliCHANT ST.. HONOLULU