Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


— \V-ath<*r pk**<»Dt 1o1»t Siy oTtrc»ai. Sajpir i« »rri*ing now in gr»* da*liv ies«eoiDg qoantttve«. An hi*t-»ri''»l meehaoie»! eloek ū on eibibitk>n »t Anen Il»iL D*-a't forget the enlertainroent »t the Oper» Hou*e <m tbe l"tb iui A *>Ugnant pool o( watcr in tbe rear c<f tbe K »«Ai«bao Seoiiu»rv' »pi to i rote a »ource of m»Ursa. Fe*rl H»rb*-r ineh* arv ag»in bemg inrTt?'. oii by Aroer;c»n ua t»1 ofScers. Thc *tf irn-wb*ler Navarch at pre>* nt off p»rt «ill leave U«day on a short craise. Tbere wj11 be » r»ce f>«r pr:aes at tbe Skating rink, Beritaois stroet, this eveuing. Mr Sam Parker s e!dest son. Jbu I* «Lo ha» beeu lil for aome d»y» is iroproving. Mr. H. F. OUde is stated to iuteod to Ieave Hawaii l:«ehiud arul m. e ag iiu !ocate io \ .ulerland. Attentiou <>f roaders is ca!led to Mr. W. M Canoiogham’s a«lvert:seroent of well-bred dog». Dr. Moore, tbe ix)pn!ar <lent ist i' renov.iting bi> basiness offico> m tbo iutorests of his many patn>nH. Com-spoiident lrvino has gono forwarvl to Hawaii witb tbe set purpose of intcrviowing Miulame Pele It is «?xpected tbat, iftbeweath,»i snitable, tbe usual Sund»y gports w11 take plaoe at tho Makiki ridc c!ub grouiuls. Mr Arcbie Uilllllan the popn]iir freight olerk of tho steamer CUi.dine hns sufficiently recover ed from his lato sovore injuries to be enabled to move nbout. Tho r* gular qu»rterly moeting of tbe trustoos of tho Queon’s H< spital to< k plaeo in tho rooms { the Chnmbt*r of C*)iumeroe this tuoruing. # V lecture on Loudou. illustrat<'1 bv stortM>ptioan \iows will be giveo by Mo (launs at Kawaiahao church uo\t Tnesd«y evoning Tho phon< graph ra»n al the Popular Phon*'graph Parlors, Arlington H* stroet. ; bas a new and lot of seiootious. Tho benofit entortainment proposod to be given fuv the wi<iow i v.{ tbe doad j*«lice-officcr Kau hane and for j>olice-o:hcer Kaouh will lake plaee at the Ot«ora H-'Uso on Marcb 31 sL Mewn. Ordway and Porter have rec®ived another iargo !ot of furuiture <>f the latest style» «nd designs, at the<r w»rerooros. Hotel streot, Tbey farnish escellent iuateri«l »t verv low priccs- — Tbe J»pamst' cruiser Naniwa will leave here toiu.nT'W for Hawali, tbe Jap«nose Cooaulgeoera) going forw»rd by bcr for Ihe purp»*se of ina}>e»‘ting the coadti)OK of his c<>URtrymen who *re enuploye\l on plantat: »ns. F gh!y-oue hiUidn.-J »1x1 siity letters asd three hundr«d and etgfalv -seveu paokage« of papers were forwa*rded by the !*o*t ()ffice ou the ste»roer Oeeame for Yukohama »nd Hungkocg. on the 6th . inst.

At dooq Umc to tiay ih« borM> attach«ii lo « l>u££\ bekmgiog io Mr. E. I>. Tcoay »Urtet) »ir»y * fn«u tu» y«nl o( «D(i Cook«. «i»tl ni»Uc f«st timc to the eoracr of Betb«l aiitl Uol«l Tbew th« att«ebeU boggf lx>CAiae i»|wumte4. fn>m tbe borM. by ro««on of eolli»» witb |» tel«pboae |>o«t. the iwp*ot r *iu»>l>m£ the \rlrtcle lu ' iu*»Jtb' ‘ j rttrUB Tbe bor»« fiaaHy i c«|'tttnsi

Tb« Phil»«lc'pb«* M«a*trpl clab will b« io h»!l fote# «t Sb« Open H oo th« l»»h itsl t •ml vSi pres«ol » r»ru£r »aitB*3 of et«nt« *uicb will W both in ferwttiBj{ jkod {'■«**! s§ to thc gen«r«I j-abhc CspU;& Jaluk& A. Palnier Jr., the a 1 » corre*p >0drct. who lcft l*Udy for the Hsb, tri» tLe M - j« *« tt>ices bi* thaoks for the *tteution iaJ eon sider*tion *bovn him donog his stay b«re. P..-rt Sort-yor Stoders is s»>jn to b*.- a victun lo th« in daeoee of tbe opiom ring. DeeapiUlioa is to be tbe punisb ment f«>r not bcing d;sl«*'QestOpiam is oov quuiisl at $10 bere, boogbt at $S. io b’nseo. The b rtbdav s’ of Knr.ebameba III. and uf S*. P;»tr.ek wi i be celebr ted on oeit Satorday. Hawaiian* wiH atteud to tbo boooring of their de*d king s memory acd tbe .S tar j>eoj>!e aml Amenean (?) ly‘ngue will houor the momon* of ' - «/* dead saint, Mrs. Oanii-. >tereopUc<'n leetures have heeo most interestiug as indieated by tbe excelleut press n* tices whieh tbe lndy has received froin le idingpipereof Ihe Unite*l States . the Onkland (C’ul ) Trilnu‘ ' 8»ys: '‘the entire lecture wis of the d- *>est interest and exc'am tions of pleasore con!d not be snppressed as the varioos sceuees «»f great hi>torical itnjH»rtanee passed before the eager vision.”