Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 58, 10 March 1894 — The Violent Act. [ARTICLE]

The Violent Act.

Mr. W. O Smith at the Iast ooonoil meeting that his "Hnssian nct agiiust d«ngerou8 persons wa« a very violout im>a«ure, allbough not ’‘Ris- - an.” For tl«e s»ke of '‘Western civiliz «t on,” it is pleasing t<» n >t«c<? that «juito a nuiuber of t«o members of t!«e eouoeil <>pj>os.>il. Mr. Sniith‘!j bill. rhe sngg>>stion of Mr. Wilder to »wait iu passing the act nntil tho ‘ «l tngerons tu >ment’’ aml 1 j«er- ' >iis'' arrivod, is verv j*r'j»er. aud willaan» the P. G. from placinga lisgraeefnl aot ou the st«tute l»ooks By the wtyit is rem irk»ble to s»e the executire divided 'ii such an importaut »jnestion. whieh wo shoald think should i »ve reot»ived tlie ra«*st carefnl coQsi len»tions by tbe ministers befort bt‘iiig l.«id o|H»niy before, »n astonished an«l disgusitnl worl«l.