Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 March 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]


— Tbe «eeni Leag3« thii i «T«Diiig at taeir hali. — Abrahaoi Fera*n<i«t Esq. ha* » Tmāt#e’-* n<jt ce in tbi« issae. Wf>atber f ’*»a«ant wĪBti N E Thef!»gon tho I.e*gue pol* ia āv:rjg. Pr >f K>»?bl« tbe bitght exp«ert L>- retame«i lo towo ac.tin fr>m Kaul Daat u ā>ligbtly prer*leot an-i tbe of the s; rtbkliag cart» sre nce»lfHl. Tbe steam»»r Aiam*xla is dne Ler** from tbe Coa_-t next īhan» *lay the lotb in«t. Tbe siating race. un roller “īkiU'- at t! An;;i ry oo njl;;ri!i«y la-t, was voo by J l-ambert, PoaiahuLī f«>r tbe favor» of lbe new !>>>.<r i of li-iaealion uow poae m tho Tbe stcain<»r Likolike will be liaaleil up on the Marine Kailwav duriug the week.

N tice u Hl <' ii nniiigbam > M(lTorttsomeot of tliorough-bml clcg!» for salo. T1jp JupaQcs man of-war Naniwa. loft port Ler»> <>n Sunda_v for a cruihe to wludw.trd purts. To-morrow eveniug, at tbo K ne.unhao cbnrch, Mrs. (i*QD8 will givo ber iliustrated lecturo ou Lomlon. _ — Strong iodicatioQ8 were pro>outod in * >wn tbi.s m >ruiitg tbat u battlc roval, lawu tonniH, woulel take plueo tbis afternoou. V. hv Mr. F. L Hoogs slioilid 1 attempt t<» pass otf as au Inahiuau ia surprising. 'Ti*<r people do strangf thiugs but tboy aro not : Iiato. ' | M< ssrs ()rdw:»y »ud rorter\bo well-known furuitnre dealerssbow tbeir euteusion of trade in busiuc>s l ues by au ad in tbis ( is.-.«e. Today cit:z* ns of tbe Wolverine i state will celcbn»te «t tbe Mid* wintor F*ii iu Sun Fr tuciaoo aud tomorrow tbcre will l»e beld a \ l eueheiw’ Congress * i

Mr. .1 (,* M Shelilon has hail t ! it‘ ploaaim? of eo<t*rtuining a numl>eruf his fritMi(ls at hin eonulry rtsitleoce. Kaaiaea, Oahn. tlunn" the \vtH.*lj p«sl. i Stockmeu who «!• - re lo im t»rove xsl stock >hoa! l reru**i« Ihm th«t Creolo. wiih a 2;la iwonl. is at the Olub stables*ml tlu> ranning atalli *u Duke Sjr>ucer is at A. J. C«rt»T:ght * sta- | Ulea. lie Poj»ular Phon j»h Parb‘r» «t tht Arliogton Hlook. Hott 1 »tr\*et are «laih |>atr»*nizo»l by lovers of miKk- U»th vocsl anJ in«tri)mt»ntal. anJ tho reoit«tion { ,c<‘!ns of Sū«ke>( o.sre by eioelleut oitH'utu»msta. The S N. t'*stlo is briujī «»tchetl by the Port Sui xeyot in jH'n*ou, anJ five gu rx!» of al) nge>. up t*> »ō yeaiK WLy suoh |*rtv.vati>)us «gainst a missionarv resseD — J. M- Hajrav the embea£!)D(ī p>'etmaster oi Hanaiei. Kaoai. n turiHHi «paiu frow K«»«» by the >te»o)er Mikahal*. f.>r farther UKlgement m Oahu j*īl. His lrml »ill not tak« plaee autU (he aert term of Coart. The trustees of tne Queen’s Hiwpilal h-iJ th« reguUr qavrt. riv o»eet.ng at the nvms oi tbe Chamber of Com:ueroe. anJ ttansacle<i ihe usoai routtoe bosine*s of recoi(.t of rej«orte aml eieeliua of rbittng «vmmittee. Fhe PhiUdeipbia MiastreU will ap|var at tbe Music Hall ou the Jith inel. io an intereating })rogr»‘\>«ao of mirtb. m&ūe »nJ mim>treUy. Mr Ury opena tb« bov |*Uu «I lu> o£oe ou tb« Htb; Joa‘t l»e Ute for g -uJ «eate.

B*n:i «I EwK5*—#»i«*re tcū «fcia2, br th« P. G. Wad. Mr. To« Gay Ui? «1 ko«'>vR nitdirr icd «j*rt n t'ricketn | i* *g«io io howa. Tb* »lockliofdt-r« ia tb« Ha *ūun EI«ttic Co. «iil toivorTvw aaontii3g i _ „ * Or*r 21 (k» of » r ig*r »<i?ns broapht to this port bt-re i>«tnr<b*y *ō>1 HukUv by »oTer*l ijiiūd stea»ers. C«}>taio Lsng!ey *r»J L:eoten»£«t ?jture ot th« po>i’'e r* d*xi a iot of Cb meee g*»blers la*t erening *nd erptoiet! twenty. Th»; Aeueneao M;n:ster resident (*ccotnf(aaled by Mrs, WUIū») ri«».t...i H. lt. M JS ('hampion, «t noon t<<4av ;»nj was received witb dae hont<rs. Now the g< ’_itle noth e.tst broeates, niove Ihe Ieave*apon the tree>*- <>f the y, t green. lofty tre«»e-v bv the se»,- of the famcos. S»ns Sonci. Inter-is’ai. I navig»tnrs are to j be a<l<!ed to by ex m;»te Smith <<f tbe eliip B. P. Cheney who bas Laen .ippointed t > Ihe posit ;»n of second ollicer of the steamer L’!andiue.