Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 March 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

•I | POEIE®, r n H v F>H *nd .Y««af4», t , s Jast Rtc» >»J jj*>r L*t® AmnH. Ur)P»i ?tock of Fl RMīl'Kl. Ertrlapprfcrj t*> tbb CoaBlrr CVfU|>rvsin;£ - ■ Ha ndscme Carved Bedroom Sots > ' in Hoiia onk. *mi#a* i~4rEsrd£sī*;\s. \ | £SFECUL ATTEXOON IS CALLLD TO Tti ESE SLTS WICK.ER WARB, Be*ct fo! D»i* of Wick-r Wiw. eonsistia>g of SOFAS, CHA1R8. R(X'KEI> »k* yoo eao cot these in *oy FIMSH yoa CHAIRS, Coontk«8 Qumbcr' of CHAIRS iu evOrr ■style i idadiug OFFK‘E an>i H1GH CHAIRS. szsrxE^TST03r W.* h»re had i BQ«ubcr of eal f. r th«-• T»We> wilh CHAIitS t nidtcb. We have no» »c st<vk the iru’s4 BEfiUTIFUL OININO R30M FURNITURE EVEii SLLN HLKE. * Sideboards and -:- Chiflbniers In Great V»rietv. -\ta. nxrsP rans coroml with POKTIERS n> heeominp »iuīt - tbe r..pe in piaee of LOl'N(iLS we to*nufaCturo t em to rulcr. aiui ba»e « laigc stock of FOKTIERS to s*.d*ot from. BSDSI1TC-. Greit5A«si>rtmeDtof WOVEN WIHE MATTRESSES Spr’ng H ir. M'‘s<. WmoI and Strnn Mailn—■— oii band and nuule { • order UVE G£ESE FEATHEKS md SILK FLOSS l r PilIows CRIBS. CR\DLES oto. WIXD()W SHADES of a11 co!ors and sir s. COR\ICE POLES. in w<• nl or l*r vs trimmiDps. 2e 23 I 22 I <3-. Mattresses, L>*nnp-s ;>ud all l’|>ho!stered Fnmitun? repaired at r**asonable ntes. CABINET MAKINO. in dt its !»r.inches, by G*'»mpoae t Workioeu. MATTINO LA!D ;*i >l lnt rior Decur..t»- g under llie S«pcnision * f Mr. OEOKOE ORDWAY Our GoO)is >re F rst C!sss. <ind >>nr prices are t*e lowest Com* and be e n\inced—a tn >l is s licit»*l. Beil 62ō. Tr.i.Er HO.Ms: Mntuai fi4-> ORDWAY ,V POKTER. R*bius>>n Block, b«Mweoo F>jrtuu»l Nunann.

AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE," 21.702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cai. Scpt. 23. 1893. 8itv. rr>>tupter. 2,30.'>. by Pl r o HalL 7.'v f>in;. (in«, bv !’r «n:pter is the Mrv ol A| .v, 2 26; ■• '.61; W«iL*" r 2:2līi: W*!».. 227 ; t'hi >. 2 21. ,iu i of ’.he Dums Hnlhanliiie, 2:!7 aj i V 'i“ r, 2:2S, "V iu.oi E~ ī» irt Q <k, o .’ hm . x iuii f.H>t an.i Mimil stnpe in (.«». W ■ I.OiiU ponn l<; 1« rery >atli«b, w-mie. ■ goo<i ptfotlncer tad a gatur horm». WiU st.«ti l for « !ii:uUs) numl»r ol ■* r"IFrV <f>0> OOU AK8 FOK THE Si \~v >N - , p<v «l>’.»- a! tin>> ! Tu'.« bur> »as brel iu 1893 h> fjrtr-s>x uum »ad t>rs>dac .l £i>rty-two ct> t». feb 17 -1 m IX 1 I DAVIS.

L.VNDS AT Al CT ON*. By virt«o t*f «n orl r i-''Ur«l bv the Conrt throoph the Chief Justiee. H<m. A. F. Jn«hl. ir. n*panl to th« Cis« nf WILLIAM W.\TSON et al. :ipiin>t Dhv:.ī W.ttson. tlu*re tri!l bo >i!<i «t Fnblic Aueiion, «t the Anction U«vin*« of James F. Morpat». »i 1*J o'eioek noon. on MONDAY M«rch 19. 1n94. A!I lho>e pre- j situate«l «t Knneohe, K<>o | lanjHiko, Oahu; «nd raore j»ir-! ticnl«rly tlesignntt\l a« follovrs,; to wit: LoT 1 3.Srt-100 «cres Lot 2 4 21 U 3 87.96 '• Lot 4 73ō ** All are jmrts of Roy«l P«tent 1 174 tu Paal F. Mauiui. LoT 5 , . 20 «creo * \jn 6 20 •• L*it 7 20 “ L.»t S 54.50 4 Lar 9 54 50 ** • I i Ali are p«rU o! Ibtwe pr»-mi;««j »>nrfy&l bv K«roehan»e»>a IV k> DavW W«l**»». by »lee*I iLu-il 1W-29. IS62. «n*l rvcs>rd>d in L»ber 16. p ps 127 «nd 12S. Tit!« pt>rfw‘l «I li»e esj>ensfs of lbe| Porch»s«r!t. For forther paitie‘>! ir» «ppiy L> j Wilua* C Aeai. \v >rii«..y f r tbe Ci>mu*us>.<>ot<r, or lo 1 1 S. M KAAl KAi Coa» m ia» iOner Hoaolalo Feb 23 1994 ioe. D«rtd( »» »bwe«» iV» £«(!>«, Bt L£i- K>l vt īW hrs. h* \m ll#f i.»sg K«n> *» V«bwM, Ck&«. ; *k*U «hUi t«a i»*ri M Ut K«At VILS Vt Vum. ti»Ka. «.-• Vt, 1 «wkla. • ; - ' BI^BHII^BBHBBbBBB