Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 59, 12 March 1894 — Impeach Him. [ARTICLE]

Impeach Him.

time »p»o tlie Stnr eon t »in» 1 m M*rioe of vil«> «o«l insult i-.i**rt;c!i'«g»inKt MrC BV\'ikon. 1 bt* e«l t<»r ooe Snuth v«s {>romptly nm -t» .1 on a cbarp? of crituinal Ii1»el awom out by Wil«on i.iul npoa rojK<tition of tbe libell,m" artic!e was ro-arrest«d fc»nr tirnes 1 !>• cases were ealleel in | dro lime-in tfto Ibstrictcourt an<! Suiith w»iv«l «*x;.iuii»Htion and v«s corarnittod for trial to tio C ireuit C>»urt sitting in Kobruar\‘. i bc eaae» ngainst tbo oditor wcro (ilaeoii propcr!y on tbc calcnilcr, b'it no imlieiioeola wcre j.nscnt- i o l t»y tho goTornment an«l thc ca«M „ *„ro elmppeel without any meuiion beiog raad« «>f tbem bv thc Att< ruf v-(*««n.>rtl. rh«*n haa n«»t Ihh'O «jtTeretl anv i nplanaeiuu f«>r this iiTegul*r prucctlare, au«l the oouuuuuitv j has bten sat)ly paalcd an.l i ilesiruu« «>f lenrning how tbe pro- • »ttoruey, tbe Lt»ail of I the law macbio«ry bas ilared to j p«rvert the eoume of ja,stice by ; Ruinthcnng criminal cbarges Agaiust a man duly arrosted aud «lulv br upli! beforc a magistratc' If pc»lit.cul afKUations and friend >hip ean be bn»ught to «ueh » r*" s tLe Stalc is no long-»r saf»> and lb« j»«ople are justiSed iu «louian.lm ,* tbat tbc laws be adrainistercd in a d>trerent tuanncr. Tbe Attorney-GoneraI has (ho 1 ! >'"« i 1 ' i>«« r i pmnanni. 1 aml tL«»roby aave bis j»rotcges I from a tnal. but bedid uot do »o. < Ho em also refi»sc to proseut 1 au iudtctment, bnt »ooh stoj» 1 «'aunol l>o taken withoot tbe 8 apj>roval aml »anction of the eom 1 plainaut snd j»rosooutiug witness 1 and Mr. l'. 11. \\ ilson h»s nevor 1 * v’gn»D«s huv »i||iogu«»ss to drvp ** tue o;.s« bui i» rea«'v to j>roceed t witb «t «t ar.y (ime. Tha atu>r H ucy-gru«.»ral simp)y did uoti>ii»<* | d aiul alleninl tl e e«s* »- disaj>- * jH*«r frvm tbe caleudar aud tbe man iM iuknl oi libel to go sc«»t fiee. Snch an outrageoas aeiion ou tbe j u t of the bigbest l.tw- 1 «>l!ic« r ia th« land sboald nol go ’ Lv w»tbonl ooiiee aml i/ tbere i» s< miv uute|*e»»dont *:ul justice— ' lov»ng »»an in tbe advia«wy eoon- lB eil a cj »cstion sbou!d t»e pot tu Mr. S»n tb in oj ei» eeaaioa »nd a d„maud tuadc en btra to j>ublic!y .. ajiliin bis unpn*f« s>i.vnal and arbitrary act»oa »a tbi*m*tler. lf Mr Wilion »»«•« oul lbe «arrauts w»ot«»ulv. and wiihuul cause »t w wouKl b i»e been provcn by U»c tnal a:sd editor Su>tb wooh) -r b*vr bau hU r*'Uie\ly for mlm» in a damage euil ag»iast t r .©j^ 0 eompUiuaul. Bol tbal course j ba$ been clo«ed as well as tbe right oi tb« iujored nuu to be m . vmdi«*t«td by a trial before a I jory of lbe eouutiy. W< uuder- i sUnd tbat tbc ie*rucd A(?orney ! Oenenl ts shield»ng hun»t'!f be- ] bind Ihe fact. tbat Mr WiUon ■ Lad eo>ploved an attcrney to aa»Ut »be pro*eeutioo. aod »bat J it wa* lbe doty of »ucb attomcv bc i to draw tb« iud»etmeuU. Mr. t Ad« W O. 'ualh U }>erf«K'lly well ve» aware .b«t ahbough private tbe «ltomcv?> e u be alk>w«d to C«m •>si«t »a pm«ecottog eaaee moi it u tbe imj,»erBt«Te WTt of lbe fro« AtU>roev Oeuml U> s«« tbat aoeh grel pro«Micutiou Ukea |»lace. «od »bat lo « tbe nvces**ry »k«p» ar« laken to *elf proc««d w»th aaeh jfwoa«cat:oo ' g«ai

It w tfa# fu«t'n bere »s | »bere for tbc gor«reu«Bt pr?»s*- j cirtor u* dr»w op the ind:ctm«its | »od lLcre*fter sabmit th«io io tbe ; »«sistiBg »ttornev. THe oSke of tfae latter does not begia catil nfer tfae mdictmect* bare beec rre#ente<i. We Jo sot *pprove of the crirr.ir.al libel Uv. ar.d «e »re piea«ed to «ee oar enniem I K*ran freed fn>to tfa«t basice««, bot giar<Q|* mj:yvt»ce bas beea ilooe faitL to Mr. WiU n, tc* e»l.t«»r Sm;tb aa»l u.\*re esfieoiaflv ta tfae Mmman ty at Urge tbat p*v» ttc Miin to AitoraevCienera; W. C) S.nitb, n«>t for »he parpo>« of baving faim sbirkitig * h»* dcty tbr>ugli f.Tvontrgm or neg!ect, bol to enahle btm to «ee tba! ;nstice is done even if an editor, or thc beaveas fall.