Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 60, 13 March 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


.lohn W. H«yes. genera! se cretarv treasarer of t!>e KuigUts of Labor. !ias issutnl the f >ilowin>: note to the order. wherever {mnd “T. D. Powdevlv, past ceneral master workm.«n. A. . W right a’nd John Dōvliu, lato of the gcnernl esecative hoard. lu«ve entered suit against the onU*r for halances of sah«rv whieh they elaim are dne thom. This notioe is pnblisbed to prevont any emlenee being given nnreltable statements th*t o»i»y be an»de m the pubhc press. S«n Rernardino, f’eb. 1«. — A vcry rich strike is r«'j»ort«*d from the des*,rt country about si\t\ rnib s fr«'*ru this city au«I twenty milea northwest of linlio. on thp Southeru Paeiāe. an<l sevea mi!es west of Tiugman s little two* st*mp mill. Ihe !«■ ige i». s «id to Ih' thre« te«>t w i.le. and «‘rop> «>r.t for 4ō0b Sampl - t «ken frora cuts across the ledge go $ō00 a toa.