Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEVS. [ARTICLE]


— Tb<* B>»r l ol Healib will mwt tbi» *fterao7n Tbe nstions īs aa<aming proportion*. Tbe import»l Ik>« of the 2 b!:ght !s ootr io tovo. — Meath*-r t>d»v vtm an-l j.’iea<int Le«goe d;i£ dĪ£pIayed. The P. f* b«n>i will give i conotf;rt tbia eTeniQi* at Tbooa&s' * S]oare. — Sonday ban<i coneerts are ex- } p*cte.l to b« a f«?t<are of th« futore, •*A<Ivancesl ciriiizaiion *" | Tbere is a strong ♦•d r ort being maiie t*> hare H.»vaijans b*-come I mei ben* <<f uiacy o! tbe poiitical org.inizttion». , I) »o't f< rget tb« ent*'rtainment bv tbe Phi! uiolphia M:nstreb* n Kitonliy ar*xt. R<,>x plan no» 0jh*u at Lerey ». The thoroogh brcsl d<>ga ! ■ >M.-r<-d f r >.ile bv Mr. W M CanD>ngham «re well worth !.< ing o«rned bv soiue loeal ! .. ... ' »

Ti»e Secn*t Lc »no i.>* a>saming . • . .■ w« (tbi M 0. A in ]i <ving» freo t raj>lovmont burean Go h] }*roft CLri?*ti»ns tboso ; secrct-lo.ig«cre. Tlie «eatker of today is peoob»rly cLancteristic of tho i P»r id -e of th« Pac»tic. The miililie <»f M »reh witb b!ue <kies > an.l -nuny, ;in«I light N. L. ' zephyrs. Mrs Oauns illustraied lectaro i »it the Kawainhao charch lasf ! evening tlre» n l»rge MUilienee. Tbe HoLOMI A in buth native aod £aglish is a i»rtived g«H)d «dver* tising meilium. The rccoption t > C’apt. Ne!s.)n, uow commani)ing the I*. S S. A l’»ms, is set for Friday eveoiug. Kov. T«mbler «>f the Centrai l 'iion will uut lect«re. sexpecle»I, ou that eveniug. — There is u rej»ort ‘ along the wh»rves that tho O»lvo.stou's 10 “unperinitte»I ’ Chinese will bo qui«tly Iamled iu or about tbe vicinity ot » pUutation on the K >oIan sule of lhi> isl tud. I)ou’t purchase pa|ters f«>r the s»ke of !e»rning wliat tho H«waiian H»nlwi.ro Co.’s writor weekly dil»t*'s ou but, inste»d. c*refa'ly |H*vuse the eolunma of . the Hol. MI A and you will receive the benefit of the C , rap»oy s ottere. * 1 1 _ ! i rho Cigars aml Tobseco de | partinent of Mes>rs HolIister *V e’o. aill soon t*e loc»ted iu tbe store f> rmeily o*.*cnpied by the i l»te M (ioldi»erg. soath-weat • coruor of Mervhaut «n 1 Fort stre«'ts. —

■ l" o tt>ice *.*f U»e pli nogt«ph is -till iu tho Hpaeioan rootus of ihe Po|»il.-ir rhonogr«ph r,>ir !>>r>. Ar)iQgti>n Bi »ok, li >tol stroet. ChiMron sr« n)w!ivs pIo-is«Hl *t tho masic of the eylitul»rs. * The st«\»aior AUuuhU is duo bere fron» San Fn»noi>.-o atnoon. t»oorrut. «.tl» nows <into« k> tho N :.i i\>tu ; j >ro M >r>o is *!t okl t me fnoad of iUwnii >nd it ū» hop*vl that ho ni*y be the lnv*rer now ol g\>ovl aews to Uaaiiiam. | __ 1 i*gs »r« tlyiup on the d)0er j ont oonsuU!e po:es t»s)(y in h‘>oor of tbe hftieth aiiu>««*nv»ry <rf Ihe birth uf Ui* M»jesty l‘mberto I. King of lt*Iy. F. A. Sch*»f« r F>»j. the de*n of tbo cou>uUr coq - in U »w«ii. is tbe represeuUtive »>f Ihe luiau gor»erument io thi* city. Tbe stockboUlen of ihe! j Uawaiun Klectric L:ghlCo, met i \ester\Uv f >reuoon aud eleeie»! the fot)o«iag gentlemea *s o£- I cers of Ihe Co. for the new term. via; presi»ient Hoo W G lr«in. rice-pn>sū!eat Alex. Yomsg. (botb re-electe<i) Uwoam. G. j Brown, «ecretary. W W Hall;! «Q»litor. J F Hvckfel»i. Mr. W I 1W »r»uer wili reu»«ūi w »aper* iuten !«»t