Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Patents — Tho tIoues Nationnl Kenoe Co., eiti*eus of the L*i»ito«l St.-»tes, h«te thmngi) th< ir att <ruevs, Ithe hawaiian haud\vare t'(>.. LIMITED, b<-e« gr ntevl Lekters i > .«tent for tl.e Hawaiian Islamis ou a now aud usefut ‘*lmprovetnent in the Coostrac tion of Wire Fence,’ a* well as a oew aml useful irn|«nvement m “Tool for joining Wire Fence Stranil.s” an<l ii-?»! 111 the eonstruction ol what is known here as the “JONES LOCKED FENCE H»ving eomplie»! with the i>Hjuireme' ts of tbe luw in such c.ises roade an<l provided, the r g!it U> make, n>e mul vend the «iuI inventions or disooveries on the Hawaiian lslands rests exclusiv»*lv with the HAW AllAN hakd\Vare eo. All pers<ms are cautioned «giiisst infnnging on either of ihe above nauieil j»atents. THE JONES NAl’IONAL FENCE C‘V. By their attorn-\vs in f.ict, the hawaiian hardware C0.. LIM1TEI>. 3t>7 Fort Stre-t. Honolr.ln. ninr 14 lt TRDSTEE S NOTICF. All parti»<s having elatras against 8.0 l K K.O(VKiU and Mn>. f.YPi.\ PiiKoi Kjlxak.su of Honolulu, Oaha aie reijoe*te»l tO pn*sent thero to the umler>igne»l before tbe 31>t day of M trch, All rent> due the partū» «bove tucntioned mnst be jvaui at onee to roe pers<>j>«Uv. ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ. Tr ..slee. Chas. T. G-ulick notary public For the Xs!aad of Oaho. Agent to Take Ackoowledgroect« to Labor CoatraclsAg»ot to Grant Marri»ge Lieenses. Honolnln. Oahu, w. | Agent for the Haw’n LUu U of Pitt A Sr*3Tr’* Fre«ght and r«rcul> Lsi»re«. Agent for the Barlmgtoo Koote. Eāii Emu Mrr «ri 5sKTil gat Bell Tel. 348; Mok TeL 139. P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE No. 38 MET<HANT Slmet, Hooolaln. H I. s