Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — A CRY FOR HELP! [ARTICLE]


Tbe “Missionar es" ' Muddled — Th© kin<!erg»rten politici*n who runt tbe A<irerii»rr i» un- t u-aal!y «>u’re tbi* inorning. lk (DOttoing tbe uuirilliogne%>4 of tbe Hiwaiianlo believe io tbe ttteten,eotn o! the miflair>narie« t iat tbev —as tbe ehoeen bv God * • —are to run tbi.s coantry be ealla ; a|vm Mmister Willia to a»s;st thern l»v nsiog hia ollieial poaition and diac'oaing the foture pohcy «>f Pr*-sidei»l Cleielan»l —o! whieh the Msn«ter knoa» esactlj as mneh. 8i>d no moie than doee tbe b»by e*l.tor The miaeionary Hp.jkeHtunu reb«Hhes lbe ol<l lie lli.it the HawalianM ate perf«>ctlv > villiog to join the F G. to take the oath t ■ snpjH>rt it and to cai»t a \ot« !or the mi norlty in, th»> constitutional ronvention whieh j thc grnoiona ( r ) goverament has j a!loiU*d to theni. Tho Hawaiinna j bavo nol tho alightest mieulion of bemg bnrobogged by the mis- t aionariea. Tboy do not ppopoae I to ri gister or »we;ir to sup- ! port the 1*. G. or anv other j g'»vernmeut not of tbo j>eo|)le. i Tuey folly realizo tbat ihe eon- | •ititutionttl ronvtfntioo to busim*ss ia n gigautic fraud. simj»Iy projioae for tho purpoM of giving to tbo pnnani military oligarcby. j n fttint iHMiiUlan.'O of a republican g‘>vcruinent. M hntever ihe «t<f-<•<-*».-<cror t!ie niiaaionaries uiay h*iv, and bowerer niueh they may t»>st tho trnth. and shirk the fact tbcy caonot blmd the iiawttiian to tho undisj»utuble certaiuty, th«t ho is oulv iorited to take a h.iek aoat in tbo comiug oonventioa, and isask<Hlto lie me rely a aj>ectator io the aodience. w ile a o ukeil and ilrie<l ooustitotion. Virtnally disfranchising him, is rushi'd tbrough by a »tft of moo oleeUni by, nobody, repreacuting. uoIum1v . and roapected bjr. nub« dy. The ehihl edttor aoeuaea the I»valist j>apers of mia)eadicg thtf Hawaiiaua. and claims that Mr. Moreuo »s in tho j>ay of the rt>val»sts »nd send false rei*ortst>> H ' i >lulu. Tlu* A ! - • h«s uo uU*tt of tho fotnna actious oi ihe Aineric-»n adaiiuistration and i« uu bl«» to judge if tbe Hiwauana are or not The st>t«nient in reg<rtl to Morenu ia one of ihe del.berate inventton» whieh ean alwaya l»e found in the reform organ and for whieh not a sou»t lla of proof oan lx' producod The j»roj>o* tion of the d diyrf iarr ts lhat miniater Willia shai> declare *that he will make uo n ore ttf>.’rta in the line (pealopalion).** How. may wo aak, eau m;nister Wilha do that r when htf d k's not koow huuself at what momenl he may Ik» <i\ler ed to ppikkkh! with the puticy declarrd to be Cleve!and a, endorsed by Coagpese, and entervd x pou by Mr. Wdlia r We presnme that Mr. M illia is ptepnxwd to do l ia duty aud that ia to obey the instrucl.v r.a whieh he peeeipee (rom hia superiors in ofhce. Should hi> |K*rsonal inolinatiot )e«d Liai to shirk thc»e dnt.es or to circumvent bis orders. another man ean. and will W focnd who faithfnlly will opbold the bonor of the aduuuistrauoo uuder whieh he serves »nd cniry out the will of lbat a.lmini»*ration to the lett«>r Bot even if Minialep' Willis •honld ehooae to eome ont of hi« »4« l at tb« b)ddmg of tbe ddnprti<r ttn«l h«s Ctiru»tian (>) frieo<is the atlit.de o( tfae Uaamuaoa will n->t b« altered. Ouly when 1 rvtti U ot CleveUoi dinectlv in- • f rtns Queen LiliaokaUni. tbat be bu abandon«d ber enne will I llaWMU b*U«v« in the perp«lnal dtahonor. tk« «wpMlulih iahoi}. antl tb« indel)bie ahane ol iba |wat lm#rw*d lUpahlie