Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Patents. The Joiiea X<ttional Fence Co.. citizens <>f tho l’niteil St.»tes, have through their attornevs THE HAWAIIAN HABDWAfiE CO.. L1MITED, IwH-n gr«uted Letters Patent for the Hawaiian Islan>ls ou a uew and nsefui “lmproveraent in the Constrnction of Wire Penee," as well as a new aml useful iraproveraent m “Tool for joinmg Wire Fence Strands ’ au 1 u>‘»l in tlie c>>nstruction ol vli«t is kuown here as the “JONLS LOCKED FENCE. •' Having couipfted with the reqdireme!iU of the iuw in snch cases ra;ule aa«i provlded, the right to make, nse aiul tend tbe said inveotions or diacoveries oo the H.awaiian lsUnds re>ts exclosivelv with the HAW-AIIAN HAKOWAKE CO. All pers«)ns are cautioo«d against infrioging on either of the above namod patents. THE JONES NAIIONAL FENCE CO.. Br their attornevs in fact. . THE HAWAIIAN HAKOWAKE CO.. LIMITED Fort Street. Elonolula. | m»r 14-lt

FOR SALE. AULTS JLSI> F1LLZES by -SCTOiO»P , U J.22 *•» Oi *ad» «!»«• m S 3» tnal tU. 4mm J ot ■'Miw (U&mm' ‘£‘H. a»l "S«a.u &m' ♦ ffl, “L*dijr Ps»*w»’ ' ioJ <4h»r g.<*l Mm, khu. -Dropptr * p«p*K* *«»« (*>*»«•« Sr«»r ud hnwl, <* Mi | Bacfe • l*a V» st»t. hm» « Un»r fe* -l'a* * Ka«’ j o< -Jmt UEir.' 3 »s9. Fbc furtWr p*ntraJorx *JPPLT fc> jlj. CASrn«TUt;HT