Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — PHORCED PHORAGIKG [ARTICLE]


Successful Raids by Gencral Scissors. The gallery i* ihe he#t cri* tic of rDflodrcm». The • •—ulial feature of g>il tu«l<<lrama i» thrill. and h« alwavs thnll« al the proper ; timeand ie not alraid to tnaoif»st Ihe Mme. The Ihnll may extend 1 down «tain, but somehow ihe at1 an«phere d<*wn there u nol ao ' highJj ch*rged with enthu»u«m, 1 or els« tbe high |>ncetl palmn- are aver»e U) »bowii.g lheir fceliugs. w* lher ibrilt in »il« ce if at all and weep under the |>rotense of wipmg their ey»gla»es Nul #o thegailerjr gud. He is oulepokeu in bieprais» i or condemnation. He kno»s a g»i"<l ' (mint wiien he sers it. and be u uot afraid t*> §ay w. >!t*re«»ver. li ihe enriodramj ili« n**l euu» up to his §tan«lard, whieh i§ pretty ‘ higb, be nerer gw» »gain. «w'»Al tli« begionir g f tb* - eighteenth ceotory pe>pf§ • ■ re bangrd lu ! iireat bnUiu t r w.e illieil u.-uu-Ucture of wll Tne K»tt/§ i»< rn r«-giark§ lbat : *Vngei« »erp yn the *iay a vouog man brgin« U> ape*»d oiore ionoey 1 than be eao make. ‘ i’au.pb!et* o«? lheir name t<* t’«o.pbiett». • Gr*ek l»dr «bo beb»od b*-r a oua»ber of*cr»p bno«* c*»r<t»:u!dg oote§, rrc«ipl*. «uoioUi »od men»or»nda. Th« E*-§ion Tranwrr»pt h»s lbi* «o-1 uf enoiur —*"No MO 1 >*J •;.:ril n»ed j<*»n ih» rank* of tb« ! ub*yed *o »» lhere are ' mrerwrh»ua*§ U> oo. r " A M»ebig»n woman b§» br»»» gbl «ait j{Cain»t a oe»*p«l»«r for *p«»sii.g *■! hef decew*ed hu*b»nd •* b»T.Dg “g**ue U» a b»pp»«r bou»«."M*dan*e tw, (lr»wm*ktr, sod s Mr. \*L»oi, t»ik>r, L»pp*o U» h»»e pU«N§ nrar eaeh oth«r to lbe *»<»- uily o( ōth tT«oue »o4 >xi *treet 10 N«w York. Ta»cker»y §»rs: — Tbe wcrld »• * m:rr» r »bd :t g»v«*> Wt lo ev«ry ma 1 t?.e nrdecttoo ol bl* OW u fao*. Kruwn at il aod it to lurn w»U look • orly st roo; l»3gh at »1 aod w ih |it aod it »• • jully. k»od wmpao n.” The srl of pap»r making ha» oow re«ched a pomt wh«re >t )• poM»bte I»rot a growing tree and coovert »t iolo pa(<er smtabl« fof printing purpu»o» w*lhib lb« »buiI *p»cm >ti 24 bour».