Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — A Narrow Escape. [ARTICLE]

A Narrow Escape.

We express our ragret on account of the accideut whieh bttppeoed ou the ;»ikiki ro«d .tnd whioh seriously mjure«i Tora Holhng *r'ti yoaug ni;»re well a> limtiug th«* Ieg of tbi- p( pul*r horsetn.tn. The geutieman in t)aestion waa ilrivin>; lowinU his hoiue in K ipiolaui l'ark when he w.ts confr »r»te»l by t c.ilv »c »«le of sailors »11 >teering f«.*r Hoooialu. Mr. Ho Uns»er was ju>t eoo'jjr.itulatino hiuis lf f*r havi»;o sat*elv avoide<l an itupendino dangvr by ttnu; clear of thc fcrocious. livcry-stable hors.s, wheu he was run into by a y»»ung gentleman on honel«ack wh« >e hi*rso had heen thn»wn inU» uncontn»llable fear hy the passing regirnent of hluej*ckcta. Mr. Hol!ingerj was thn*wu »»ut of his cart an«i b«s mare was senouaiy injur«l The youug ananal whieh ts one of thc oK«t pn»inising horses in town haa only a slis;ht ehanee to r«N.»ver. Mr. Hollinger was ab!e Ui i»e an»und this aH»niiQg. lt waa a gn'at and g»xwi laek tlut oo dnving ladtes or children were an»UDd or a veiy seri«»us aeenienl migbt b»ve bcen ihere«alt. Tbe OBfortaeuiu< ruk*r *ho ws the inTolaotin ciom of lbe s»«l occur- ; reoce. lack.lv e«ea|>«d »ad deepiy i*-greU tbe ioeuieai «hieh provel so »erioas.