Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THe I2E Drewinsr Co. Wl the X?rize the X ii * w; ' llt '‘ r JbLVOLK BranH 1 »eer. St. Loci<. (Xt > 1^88. Mīssb>. nnuM i C m . L>, Honolaln. H I. A"ir .%ry —We h»r* ro»U**i yoa » c>cpy of tho hu •> /* r »nnoanciog th* grv»t Ticl* r v «on hv th«* AvHrT 'ES-Bl-*H - tiox with tbeir EiGLE of B«?*r. 1%^] AXHErSEB-I C>H BF,T\ ISG ASSOCIATION. n k ;> N* Wa 9 > 5 K 5 - I» * 6 * <r ln unlenno thi> Ik'ei lx> >ur6to*i>k fortho' FA(iI.K l*r;tu l Vlaclkrlane vV Co M //«i W(i luh. M»r. 14 2in 1.

LANDS AT Al*CT ON. By virtue of an onler issued by t!ie Coort througb the t'hu‘f Justice. H«m. A. I Ju.ld, in rep.ml to the Cu>e of WILUAM WATSON et al. sgninst l)i\ul Watsoa, there will bo at Publie Anction, at the Auction Kooms of Jamos F. Morgan. ;>t 1 - o’eloek no<in. on S.VTURDA\ Aj*rii *2S. 1804. All th preinises situateJ :»t Kaneohe. K«»olanpoko, Oahu; aml more particnlariv designnt-“‘l as follows to wit: Lox 1 3.80-l*X) acreLot 2 4 *21 “ IjOT 3 37. IX) ** Lot { 7.35 “ All are parts of RoyaI Pat».nt 174 to Paul F. Manini. Lot 5 Lot (». L«>t 7. Lot 8 Lot 9 ... 20 acres 20 “ .. 20 “ 54.50 “ 54 50 “ All are parts of those premises conveyed bv Kamehimelia IN to David Watson, by «lee«l .1 ite«l Dec. 29. 1802, an<l re«’''rii.’«l in Liber 16, p g*-s 127 aiul 12s. Title perfect. D**tsls at the expens s of the Purchasers. F«»r furtlier pnrticulars apply t< WlLLUM C. A< HI. Attoruey for the Coiuiuissioner. or to S. M. KAAI KAL C«un misHiouer. Honululi* Fel . 23. iui;r.*N xotkt: Ol' l'OKM I.OKI K»; In neeoelane» wi!h ll;-' po ';- ■■«»# o{ » ccrt»in M rt, nis '■« > <■? ’f PELK H H NAMAKA. «... SUUH C. DW1UHT. • ili’ -f Kie Hr «u, lsai ivn«nl«l iu Lilwr IJ9. nafir 4S9, knlie* i* h»l»nr i s't t th- ‘1iiaee» iot«ir.fc« to fc.w4-v; tb« mto- f.»r o-o-«llUooa» bn>lwn t t»> eil: »>s juTn»nt ol Prioci{«l trot lntctvst «r!.cti <la«>. Kohm.h bkr«M pv«a Uwi «Iw Um «ip»r»UoB ol thtv« »««•«- fr na ti»- .Ul« oi ih» noU'ae. U» pn>}>*rtr o • r>r*4 Ky «■»«1 \}.>MCW »<U b« «il«i3tt»s! i t —'e «t l’ohhe A«tl»'0, >«» ti» An i> R ou! J»rr« F. M«t.a«, »b H s ih, r« MOXDAT. tb» '. s Bth :«j 4 MaU. H, :<m. >! li o.»>n <>f «»t'A >»*y. FnrU»r pwlKnīw oia br b*d af " «. C. Aon, A»t.-r&er »t I-«». l>«i—! H>t .Vulo. FrU 27. l»f SOU lL C. Trou~ M'>r»g>|{f«>. Thr (WEMi eer«nl by the «*sd M rtgSMT*. cuns3*; ot : AU U»«r miMLM*» sitn«tv i «t ILaukrit. Huaolala. I*Ua>< i4 CArho. umI »«•■»► j«*rtJcahkHy <incnl»l la f«wd oi F. M -r*' a. lo «,»,.! L>mf Uj»j«rl«. Wtc- ■ !<>sh <4 F«ftrai«. I.<B1 «u-i rr- > r.V.l >n IjWt. 1». {•»$* ls. a«Uiu&«u «»-4 ilAIOOP kk. » |»rt 4 u«r» r~T5K«-* <W*mM B K.«rt! PkWl.No Wi L. C. ,* «Clō, lo C/)«wA«k’.4 (■’« K«Uku: «sr A-i «Uy. X ot ieeIhna; o»y *)wc<* bcaa K&e’o», mj U»lWr 1XE K'I 4 tW> F\n» 4 ><•* Vw H«*r Ij»(| Kw X A4 «*»r w, IKt«. •Lall ae* s» • :U (aa jwr»rol Aiwimj. KWAI vrEX A.4 Tk»»e. OOm. Vf««*. ’*>, HW wrMw PACIFIC 5AL00N, Cenrt La* U<i s»ua« 'Oain. KW. «t»LTFK n»».»r Tim IVv*i MrK<tiun <4 11 >l*ORS u>( BhfX ttU Mjr«Wtr m U* Ma. Eim-eiw» •iMKhn». Oūl *»s4 ls( s»> W>-1