Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Hnniness Cards MACFARLANE A CO. [kalcrs in Winr* and Suirit* Ka*hita*Bn S(ih< Hoa»iiila. H F. hei:telmann. CONTR.\<TOH AND BCrLDEK.’ Kinp St.. B«?ll Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. OOSTBACTOK am> BCH t >ER, No. 50»> Streot, Honololu. Hawaiian Is!an<ls. HARRISON RROS., nr roXTBACTORS AXD BITLDF.ILS 20s Fort St., Honolnln. M H rX>HUDB 81».X AXD OKNAMEXTAL PA1STER. [Hawaiian HanU»are Co.] All onlen prompt1y atteu<le».l to. P-ell T*lepboa* 381. P. O. Box 32 W W. WR1GHT & SON, Carriagt and \Vagon Bnilders IX AIX 1TS BRAXCHES. 79 »od 80 Kmp Strr»‘t, Honolalu. H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright DEXTIST,^o Coraer of jKing &ud IL'lhel 8ts , Cjr>uirs, Rntr»nce on Kicg Stm>t. Orn> r. Horr.s From 9 n.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sumlays except<Hl. PACIF1C 8AL00N. Corncr King «ad|XtsnaBti Stn*eU. EDAV. WOLTFR Maaipw. Thr Kin» 1 »» lr»-tion of 1 J'jUORS ind BEF.1L K>ld »nywhrrv in tb« lotrn. Kinrt*dkw »tU<nd«ooa. C«ll «nd jndg« !i>r your»cM. ao 90-tf. J. PH1LL1P8, PRACT1CAI. PLCMBEIL GASFITTEK C01TER SMITH, Houh*« :tml Ship Job Worl Promptly Execute»l. Nt>. 71 Kinn StriH«t. Honolul). II. LOSE, \otnrv I > uhlio. C<dl(cior and Gnirml BHtinrs$ Agent. Patmtff of Chfvic\l Covpocno Jor Clarifyi»g CaneWnicf. , Sioh~Ag*nt for nf the Be*t FIRF L\*rRA\CE C0S. Malaal T(p*ppftoo« v P. O. Box*S38. Uwhul «ttr-l Heiaohiln. W.W.WRIGHT«SON h\m <i' N iiwo Roililers Lx All Its Rk.axvhes. ‘I I • Horseshoeing A SPKC1ALTY. ' 97 an.i 80 Ki'u; St.. Honololn KW0HG S0G CH0HG i C0. '!ContX3.CtCX cSc Bxilld.©x Paiating, 1 We *lso keep on h»nd * B£0STEA2S. MāTJR*SS£S, ĪA8L£S . 800KCAS£S t MtRfmS, £fc.. AT TH£ L0W£ST MAft*£7 PRICES 3 So! 216 Ku*g *l, Honolulu «WI8»