Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — A CHAMPION LIAR. [ARTICLE]


A Di.s|,Tace to the U. S Navy. Lic-QU>nant Lacic.*o Yoanp who » t* - n np ..n b anl the U. S cmiM?r I» >i*toa dur.ng ber aUy io port a re«r apo »nd «bo wh« i - . o<>mtiikDd of the arti l**n' lan<l o*l on tb ? lotb of Jsnoan>‘. from Uie crai**<*r, bas pireo t*-stioionv !>••{ >r<- tho S*'n«le eommUlee »hich is inre<*tif»atia{» tbe H«* waiian *tfun« 1 Serapbioa" lu another eolnmn i« propoanding the *ja<*stion “Who’a Lueien Voang ’ an*l oar fnir correspon<l* nt at the same time an.«werK h**r o» n 'jo»*Htion We do nut feel ineline*) to de\ute mueh *pace or tuue to n msn wbo admittedlv becarne a <li«prace to tbe l’nile*! St->tes nary. who oa(stayed tbe wi?*co f nc buHpitahty exiended to hiiu t>y 1) «»aiiannan<l who waa the ol»jcct uf tbe iuienne contempt of Ium comradee in tbo navy as weli am o( tbe citi/.ens of Hunu!ulu, with whom he eamu in contact, and on whom he ho very freelv iiul hitmme*i. We print a |H>rtioa of the statem<nt of Lueien \ ounp lo tlre S*>nate eoinmittee. Anvbody f.tmiliar witfc the circnm<(tiDoes whieh sur rounde*l tho memor«h)e days of last Janoary will imme<iiatoly n cognizo the outrapoou.s li<»s cuncocted by Lueien Vounc lien e«]ial)y unworthy of an olhcer wearinp tbe bonorabio nnif<>rm *>f tbe l'. S. navy nnd of n pentlem in who pub!icly boaste*l of ths n*verenee aud res]»ect whieh e .ery Ameneao showa U* a woman Mr. Lueien Vouug spoko a* (ollowH. n?ferring to his pro M?nee at the Aliiolani Halo' '*Whcn 1 got thcre thero wan »?«ite a er«>w*l An>un*i tbe roar en*l of tho bmldiug, and two or thr<e 1 <admg Americans and Jo*lg<? Hartwell, who w«s oue of tbe lead.ng lawyers of tlie olaeu an.i a Munster under K.ilakaua, inforroed mo that ihe c»>n lemplaUnl the (*romu!gation of a now c.*nstitution immeiliatetv after tbe adjournmont of the Legi«<lature and asked me if 1 wouid n >t g.* oii bo«rd tbe Bo®ton *nd inform Oapiain Wiitse. “I went Ui to s|>cak of it t<> t'onsui iienenil S« v< ran -e. an«l l:e laugbe«i snd s«id,*l «lo n«»t b«>licve .« w«>nl oi il. I went in au«l aa> sbown tbe s*<at assign-al lue iu tho Legisiattve Ilall. a

littlo t > tbe Kft mul ia fn>ut of tl)0 rostru-o whoro tho s)>e.ikor uohI t<» sit ond whieh the Quoon »:so<l «!u*n slio ron<l her pr<H'Uin- i •tiou Aftor WHiting »onie littlo ♦ imo khey cotn meneoil, «iui I bo l.cve it aboat tho funnio*t 1 ovor S4W ia aiv lifo. lt w.is a circus. "Tho proc«*sion was hoa<lod bv two or 11-,roo lackoys au<l thou foll<»wo<l tho (v.vornor o! > Oihu. fathor lo tho heirecw apI>arout. <ln*ss«H| in a t>.-«u<lv auī urm oo>one<l with gold aiul or <lors. Uio chaml»oriain. with attoo<l«uU. «II <lr«cdkHi up iu uuif <iui; and thcn eanio tho ♦V »itli a louj; tmio an<l four laokovs in kooo t»rooohos carrviug ttio lrain. an<l thou two roval )>r uot*s- -s, la<lios ie-waitmg. tho statf. fonr Ministon> au<l \ atten<laot«.

the Legt»!atare tb«* pa&w*! iuk* Lor r*ceptiou rv*oa»,‘' Dtvi yoa (oliow h<tr'‘ ,, ask«J th« cha>rmao. Li«ateu«ot Yoqoc— \Vs. Tbe tronfruor of t>»hu ilr. Clo|jhoru. etoppeJ uk» at lh« door «aa talk«ni u> iue m a eutvous strmia. »» thuagb to iietaiu ai«. I p«£aMsi io «0(i b >««d to th« aoJ b«r Miub>t«n. >taaJiog oq th« right. aoJ h«r auia. au<T paas«<i 1 00 througb tu« door. Tbe looktvl at m« rather savagolv. J aoo Jui oot n»toro oiy : ■ wilh anv cord;a!ity at alL 1 { ooiuvvi lbat >h«* actōd in a }>«ca- • liar way. At fir»t «heo sh«» waa 1 r»adiag her proci«matioo 1 * thougUt sbe had a littie »tag« i fngbt. i"! i « Utk* -v*-r^>f 4 «»«-rw t 1 wh uu*ier Unf | 3f etimuloHt* —in «ke wu f. mwh. »« ao <rurtt «oa ta | mjf tnind <abo*t d ai aū. t Th« Stfoatc committtfe. «e aup- i poee. moat be «a«aaed ior bavutg g

to «arh in(amooa (a«hood« *• tL .*v de!ir. . emi by Loeieo Yoosg, | Tfae bigh s*Anding of tLe arer*gc o£cer in tbe Amenean n*ry jasti£e« any- I body for ukiag fci» word ss trctb snd to nfose to inrestig«te bis cbar*cter for Teracity. If tbe Sea»te committee bad asked any o£cer in tbe nu v acquainted witl Lcci<?n Yocng if he w*<* to be believed un*ler oath the aaswer howercr reloctant!y givcn wonld have keea an « m pbatic. No Mr. Yc>utg eon!d not tell tb< truth under any prorocation njt e.en if crfL-rt‘d a fiee drink of whisker and «< kuow of no »tronger incenfive for him to do acything. We sball not dweIloo or ex.omen>te ;.U weneleifol st.t«>:avut> ma<le to maoy >i.t!erBat ]>eople here aboat bi» *' private" adrices from St‘Cr«-tan Herberl, bi« iatimate corresf>oD<i«‘Oce with C!eTe)aud bi•* instnict'Ons to Breckenr.dge ! U'ou kiow!) to Lelp the royalist cau-*e, h«s productive silrer mmes in Nevada, an.l eoal miu«» io Kentucky, bis anpcriority orer his colleagaes in the uavy and bis inf lenee witb all tbe admirals, C“ram«u«l< rs, aud captaias. «•spe«‘;fillv WUt*e) in the nary. No oue li>U*ning to him bere, belicv<?*l Lim, but he was eonsidere 1 harml« > ss ( aud bLs eoastant ubatt«r was rcwarded by a C'>nstant str**am of wbiskey. Now he upjs*ars b«.f‘>re the SenaU? bf the l’nileil St.iU’s. a body ou whom the eyes of tlie wurld at pr«*sent are fixed and he d«.*hberatuly an<l publicly states that "Qucen Liliuokalaui wus drunk" jon tbo day when sbe prurogued tbe Hawaiian Legislatore. Tbo cur. who never drew a sobcr breatb while in Hawaii—exeept when uobody would set ’em uj> wtlfally insults and maligns a woman who extended ;«t all times ber busjiitality to him and among whoue most intimate friends be waa a!lowed to niake bims«lf at hoiue at all huurs, day oi nigbt. Tiio 1 ies of >Ir. Y*oun<' O are oasiiy uailed. He arrived at tbe govcrument buildiug sbortiy after tbe had • arriv«Hl. Tber\* is no recej*tion r«xim. The Queen passed tlirougb tbe offi«*e of the ministerof Intorior int > tbo LegisUtive Hali and re*urnedto tbe Palaee immediate ly ;«'•■ r re ding her ad«lress. Loeu.. Voung was nover in the miiii>t*>r s offico and on!v saw the Qu«?en ut a dstauce when she was roading tbe a«ldress. The testifving lieutonaot "b«>oked ’ on to 8otu«? acquaiutances as sa >n •ia bo arrivc«l in tbe lobhv; be t«*stified to bis awful drvness—ho was always dry—and he aas lakon mto tbe offico of the min- , ist«<r «>f nuanee. ou the otbcr side

of tho lobby. aml thore he was rofroshed. \\ hon ho eaino awav tho yu<fn was )>ono aml ho pro c<H*<le<l to town for the prnpose of <livosting hi’usoif of h:s uuiform an l lm iu a bettor tnni to oall at Cunhas saloon. Ho <!ul not go near tue Palaoe—wLcrv' he ha<l uo business. Wo eonM bring a <loa«,*n men forwar<l who are willing to tostifv to tho whoroabouts nf Loeien Yoang that aflernoon an<) if it shouM l>o deeir«d wo will do so An<l vot the S<*nate eoiu:mtt*-o evulently believed him anJ aliuwo<l hts contomptib!e iifs to go on nr. jrt/, If that is a spocimon of Amoric.tn rt*vorv*aco for woiuon. a< thus »*xhtbitvs.i by mon sittmg iu the highest tribuual of that couutry wo eau only say t> Iho fair sex ‘ God save you from Amor:cau.s . «nd Amoricau houor." But, the hoavons he pra:so<l' I. eiou Yoang isnot a ropn*senta- 1 tive Ameneaa. nor aro ihe oUl fogtes in tbe Son<te who listeno<l U> hU iufamy. l’mlon tbe bloo ( coat of Amorict s navv as well * ( as umlor tbe plain <lress of tbe civilian betts maoy « noble heart 1 hliei with tbe trne Amoriean 1 pnneiple. aml the only fee)iog i entertain«Kl by tkom for a loath * sotne creaturo liko Lueieo Yoaag ] —tbo defamer ol w. men —i» «l „ i e nao!y conteuipt auu a proaounc- \ :n1 di>gusi And oow wo do hopo tuat Mr. Loeien Toang’« f bo«om fri«n<i. Secret*rr Her M 5ert. will order hiia again to<latr n Hawaii. Hī« “frien<bi" here «ill pve hm a wana welooaae . w