Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — Fast Driving. [ARTICLE]

Fast Driving.

If thi* town is tot socm dir to b* stirtl«d bv a <*»rioas tccid «B» aawd by people vbo eitber nde or drive borse» in tbe mo»* -, indi«orininAte m»nner som*tbing , b»* got to be dooe 4od prob*bty f *&*ete v:il be neeees»n*. Eren- tn*n *ad vomio in lhis «inmanih’ b*- ieve tb*t he or sbe c*a han»l!- 4 hurse aml 1 wsthfct cx«pg*rat>-i onlv r**ry. rer;. few—o t*i • H<, w*. ,as ---«ver beld tbe nbbor.s 'lxide«l a tjii~/draped. t: ■ ■’- n g oo tb is iwaeh. On a afternoon whea tbe sailor« oroficersi are a»Ucre it i» ccKnbiaetl witb tbe greatc«t dauper u> trarel froui Honol i'a to Waik.ki The road to tfaat favorite sea >:de resort is too nirrow for the tr>tSc whieh Uke» piaee over it and it b«s now eome to »ncb a po ; nt th«t no mao wili aliow fais wifo (except be desires a decree «>■*») or bis ehiULi' n to drive, even the ruost peaceful fatuily hor-e. a!ocg the W i.kiki ruad on > Sacd iy aft*. rnoon. Wfa»t is the Temedy for tbis eril? \\ e inigbt addre>s tfae pohee aotborities and ask fur an ' answer, l>ut behold! What do these exeoutors of tbe law (tfaeir uwn la vs) and guardians of tbe | weaee do' Tfaey send Mr. speciai inoauted-police-m <n M «gner out in the evening — wi.en the streots aro emj ty an.l tell him to capture and bring into the jail every muther s sun fouud in a carriago raoving along in a trot quicker thau the reguIation one for whieh Sereno and tho other old hoises have made a mle. The arrests made by this Wagner are getting uumeroas, and the eomiaumty is l>egiuuing t<> be more than annoyed. • We do uot propose to cnticize this formergovermneut of thedrei huudred, but i we must say, tbat tho “superior” 1 (we prerume the “seuior”) officer who places that errntic specimeu j of hutnanity ou the raost import- ! aiit thoroughfare should l*o eensnred. This polieeman, thrushed by a poliee eaplain. aud pctted by a marshal is stationed ou King Street. aml isgeneral fonnd during the niglit between the resi dencesof Mr. I’. Nuemaun aud Mr. S. Parker. Presumablv watcbmg thoso qnarters f<r eveutual eonspiracies and treasonable meetings he devotes hi>time to have, in every passer by, who drives f ster than Mr Wagner sees fit uiul accosts them with a revolver 1 in one hand anJ hīs eIoquent i whistle in lns month. Wo believe in checking f.ist and furion.s driving, l» it we insist that the ehoek should lu> made i in tho rght it - and not ' ielt to the ese«. .• -.p.msible bt ings ] • , hire«l sj>ies of W O. S; a an<l his tuarshul.

Fra.\CIS M Hatch has most ihorougbly >dentified bimself with »11 of the t«kos not to s.-iv i»im takes whioh may accrne on beh»If of the Provi»ional Governmoiit Nutional Gaard: he ailvertisos in P g sheots for beans, bread, fish etc. It js a we'I knowu f,u*t that taiIors »nd bisbopsdo not gener«lly agree when io eonUei aml toach \* »th the s.ime mackintosh. However. it is penerally rv*ganled that, ai th;s se»son t,f v»>ar. | religioosly inclined f>eop!e #houid forget »ociety aod ,ambition. acd heeome more of a fo!lower of the ; M.\ster. evea if be was not a bricklaver or tn \-on. I

Thc holiday. iuade puhlie by the Holoki a, on SaUmky j iast, tlie I7th in»t., the anniversary birth-days of Palnoius I. Kamehaiuoha III. and Catmmns J., wa» one of th.vs*>. ihe jfeneraJ observance uf, whieh touches a kindred cord in all who kare Iove for. or faith in. country or reli*:ioii. To P*tricicee L. the *eeret La*ainie. includm.j Jimroy Morgan. plaoeii their colors on the 1 polea and the Insh Amenoan eomhinaūon pie*aed the sightDue oheerv*nce of the Saint s |' day wa* *lso noticed at the I Koman Catholic Cathedrai where Mr. J I 1 , Moryan n>oet

( jw»h*Kr The *c<v ar!v disp«*>!»<! p»rtj<>ti vf the wv mani:v. eugxged in buaīacse. booored the occasi* Q. “in the bv cios:ng their establishmefiU ih> v ot Messr5 OtstIe aod Cooke; E O. Hall and Nn; and other5. - nn*st n*>tk>abK*. many g>.wd Iri»htnen and Hawaiia:.' hew.ert«i th< CUsV>ni * n t},. '•r»--ao; Kxn»ehani i‘s -n reuMemker-. i ;>v ihe Itv>u>«t a| ia the eariy mommg, but n< i i by thc (rv>verncnent office$ u«til pa>t when they eame int*> line. Of Cummins J. A. a sepnrate*story i> tn: 1, V»ut refeivnoe to the o*x'a>i <n would not l«e compKt< it’ t ;< noliee takcn uf it, by a select>-d -{ua<l frcxn lh< V S S Pni!adolphia was n<<t n »ticvvL It was a grvat day. aiul grvat is ihe Holomca. Many a citizen inciuding s >mt* p. g. offic;als. aml newspaper men. will !«>ng remember it.