Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Insnroaoe Xotic*os. FIRE & MARINE. THE UKDERSIGS£D IS ACTHORIZED T0 TAKE F1RE um MAR1NE RISKS ON I3uildiii2:s, ]NIercliandise, Hulls, Car£roes, Frei"hts and Commissions AT CURRENT RATES, IN THE FOLLOWLNG COMPANIES, viz: Royal Insuran.ce Company, - LiverpooL AUianee Assurance Fire and Marine, Lonāon Wilhelma of Madgehurg General Insurance Co i Sun Insurance Company, - San Francisco .1. S. AVAI ,KER, Agent for Hawaiian Island& Telxphoxes: Bell 351 Mutual 417 Kesidbncs: Mutual 410 P. 0. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, G0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estiiuates Given ou All Ivinds or 1M1 IHON. ST0NE £ WOOOEN Bl'ILDINGS AU Kinds ol Jobbing in the Butlding Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR S.VLE: , eime. Cd>meat. Ipoo Stoae Pij» aati Fitliags, Old k New Corragated lron, Mialoa Tilee, Qaarry IHIea. aasorted aāwe aad eoknm; C*līfor&ia aad M<mteray Saad, I Oraaite Carbing aad Bloeks, etc.. ete. I Corncr King & Sm»th S». OFFICE 41 YARD: ] Office Hours, • to i H.