Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

C »eneral Advertispments ORDWAY & PORTER. Robm*m BJoct . 11 kl St., hei*rrn For1 nn i S | Have Jnst Ejce : T»d. |»r I j-te AnmL, <1 e )rtpd l*tcck of Fl’R Mll'EE Eter Imj crted to tt i-*> Com»l*y. Con;-j ris rs; Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom S:ts 1n SU»litl Oak, andUu LATESTP£S/GXS, ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CaELED TO T‘lESE SETS Beant fol De» gr.s r»f Wiek- r Ware, njr of SOFAS, CUAlES, BOCKERS. etc., \oo ean gt-t th» 'e in »ny EIMSH vou desire CHAIRS, Coantless nurubers of CHAIKS, iu even' style, inc)uding OFEICE and HIOH CHAIRS. E2TTEITSI01>T TABLES. We havo had a nmuber of calls for theso with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stc>ck the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiflbniers In Grent Varety, irDIVA]\rS D vans covered witb P0RT1ERS nre beconnng qnite the rage in jdnce of LOUNGES WH manufacture theui to or»ler. «nd have • l,»jgo stock of PORTIEKS to sel- ct from. BEDBIITCGrent Assortment 0fWOVE\' WIKE MATTKESSES — Sj>ring. H ir. Moss, W.*oJ and Str*«w \fatlre>'es on hnnd and ra.»do to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and S1LK EiiUSS for PiLowk. CRIRS. CRADLES, etc. WlNDOW SHADES of all colors and sir. s. CORMCE POLES. in wood or br .ss trimmings. ZES B B=> A X X XT O-. Mattressos, Lonuges i»nd all Upholstered Furniture rej>aired nt r> asouable n tes. CABINET MAKIN'O. in all its hmnehe». bv C<»mpeaenf Workmen I MATT1NG LA D »nd Int rior Decomt» g uuder the Sujienrisiou ot I Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goo»ls »re F rst Cl-*ss. and ‘-nr prices are the lowest. Comc and be e nvinced —a trial iss dicite<L Bell 525. TELEPHOSES: Mutnal 645 ORDWAY A PORTER. RobinsoD B!ocfc, between Eortaod Nuuann AT THE CLUB STA6LES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cai. Sept. 23. 1893. Sirr, JV>sapJi>T, 2,365, br Bl e BsIL M; Ot*op. hy Bawu>Mr, w »Uo Aim. 2t(: Tr»a* l,226t: Wiikn 2ii.: W»je». Ck»., •’ .’J tad o( lbe iinihaeuo*', 2:17 li)d «M(, 123. "Cuou’ ii )rt til ek, ow bmH *hite (oot ud sudi >tr{* la (•«. I.U30 po*ad>; » wr »Sr! -»k, ■ sood prtl!tcer ->n<i • gsut>» ncr Weil «tu>4 (ur • lnsitetk asffibn ■■( ai»r> ~ •) PirrV .|A> DOLI AKS FOB T11E S: AS»,)S, p»raWe »t baw ol kuh. Tkw k'nr «■> brtvi m l$S lo (MtT-«u uum u4 pnxtaosl f.ntj tfo o*> U. fcb 17-im I). II DAA1S. \\, E. <% B^o IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 1N Groceries«, Pruvision3 A5D Feed, RAST CORNER F0RTJfc KING STSNew Goods Rec’d Bv even Paeket frv>ra the Eastern Statc« aod Earope, * Fn**fe Cali!orn»a PnxJace by erery »ie«m«r. Al) orders «tu?nJed t>». and G»<k d«ltveml to aay part of the eity FREE 0F CHAIU«E l»l*nd On!#r* KolieileA Sal d*etiog Goanbieeti P"ta OSee Box Ko 145 Teleplu>u* No. 9i