Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiians Heard From. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiians Heard From.

We gire spac« todav to' voong lĪAwaiu" Wfaile Mr Stotacl F ii« *rtic’e on mioi*ter Willia i« reproda«.*ed in ooe eolomn ve p.Uiih kn aiiiele from tbe («n c( a {■rr , mi M.‘0t voang Haaaiian ie anotbei io vhicb fae, io poir.ted Unni, «xpre«*c« the eoioien oow eotert«io»d hv m llawaiiana en the |>reeent sītnatioo here. We do oct coocor ait->geth<r * itb Mr. Pua m bis m nluneiihi *in r»-gar-l to Willi» aml if bis artic)e faad nut jib iibed by tfao -V<»e )Vrt Worid. we aboaId faave be«itated ia g>ving bitn apaee io oor pij«r. l!ct. Mr. Samnct Pua tfae 1 iU) H«*prc-»entative of tb« fiftfa wanl of H< nololu repreeeota the fcelit)gft at>d idea of tfae Hawaii<n |«opalaiiuo ao. be it right or vrong. it i» well tfaat pnb!icity «lu u)d b« givcn to it. Tbe iutclbg«nt lettcr from "Aloha Aina” ts so weil written and so >epre*ent*tive of tbe s< ntinieuts cf tfae yocng Hawaiiana tfaat it oug<it to l>e re»d carofulIy by ifaose intei'9Sted in onr distressed, bot f«>nocrly bappy isles. If tfae S« nst( eonimiiieo iuvest:gttmg ll.iwmi faad t.»keu the trouble to iiston to somo of “our boys" inst«ad of "|>aroplileting" tfae liet of Lueion Young, America wonld faave eomo out witfa roort> faonor, and Hawaii with more faaj>piocss tban uow is prosjH>cted.